Obtenga los beneficios de inmigración que necesita con Abogados de inmigración de Florida Central

Obtenga hasta $15,000 para cubrir sus servicios legales y costos de presentación y distribuya sus pagos entre 12 y 60 meses.

Abogados de inmigración in Daytona Beach, FL

Cuando piensas en el sueño americano, ¿qué te viene a la mente? Para muchos ciudadanos, significa la libertad de mantener a su familia mediante el trabajo duro, la dedicación y las buenas obras. Para otros, significa tener una carrera confiable y suficiente seguridad financiera para comprar una casa modesta y tal vez incluso una cerca blanca. Sin embargo, en los tiempos modernos, es más difícil que nunca alcanzar el Sueño Americano, y eso es para las personas que nacen en nuestra gran nación. Para los hombres y mujeres que llegan a los EE. UU. desde otro país, a menudo parece imposible. Se trata de personas buenas y trabajadoras que simplemente quieren tener la oportunidad de mantener a sus familias y adoptar el estilo estadounidense.

Desafortunadamente, atravesar el sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos rara vez es sencillo o sencillo. Muchos casos de inmigración enfrentan obstáculos y dificultades que requieren asistencia legal experta para lograr resultados favorables. Puede resultar complicado descubrir cómo organizar adecuadamente los materiales de solicitud o discernir las opciones disponibles para usted. Afortunadamente, los abogados de inmigración en Daytona Beach, FL, pueden ayudarlo a evitar los errores comunes que muchos cometen y ayudarlo a obtener acceso a los beneficios de inmigración que merece. Todo comienza con una conferencia individual con los abogados de inmigración de Central Florida.

Immigration Attorneys Daytona Beach, FL

áreas de Servicios

Ayudándole a perseguir el sueño americano Un paso a la vez

Los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central poseen un amplio conocimiento y una comprensión integral del sistema de inmigración de los EE. UU., derivados de décadas de experiencia legal especializada. Priorizamos tratar a nuestros clientes como socios, con el objetivo principal de ayudar a resolver cualquier desafío relacionado con la inmigración.

Nuestra abogada principal, Charlene Seda, se desempeñó anteriormente como jueza de servicios de inmigración en USCIS, y el abogado Alejandro Salgado tiene una amplia experiencia como abogado penalista. Esta experiencia combinada le da a nuestra firma de abogados un punto de vista distintivo en todas las facetas del sistema de inmigración, lo que nos permite apoyar mejor a nuestros clientes. En conjunto, nuestro equipo legal tiene más de 20 años de experiencia combinada y sigue dedicado a ofrecer la asistencia capacitada y empática que necesita.

Los clientes recomiendan a sus amigos y familiares a nuestros abogados de inmigración en Daytona Beach, FL, porque proporcionamos:

Dos décadas de experiencia profesional

La abogada Charlene Seda y el abogado Alejandro Seda tienen más de 20 años de experiencia combinada. Ambos son graduados de la prestigiosa Universidad Católica de Ponce, Puerto Rico y ambos recibieron títulos de maestría de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Miami.

Conocimiento del sistema

La abogada Charlene Seda trabajó anteriormente en USCIS, el Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. Ella conoce el sistema desde adentro y sabe lo que debe hacer para que su caso de inmigración tenga éxito.

Comunicación clara

Nuestros abogados de inmigración se esfuerzan por ser accesibles para nuestros clientes. Queremos asegurarnos de hacer un seguimiento y compartir el estado de su caso para que todos estemos en el mismo camino.

Expectativas transparentes

Puede confiar en nosotros desde el momento en que ingresa a nuestra oficina. Le informaremos exactamente lo que podemos y no podemos hacer por su caso. Queremos establecer expectativas claras desde el primer día.

La diferencia entre los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central

Cuando contrata nuestra firma, obtiene acceso a décadas de experiencia profesional. Estamos listos para ayudarlo como su aliado y asesor en cada etapa de su viaje de inmigración. Nuestro equipo puede ayudarlo a obtener estatus legal a través de varios procesos de solicitud, explorar visas de doble intención, ayudarlo a prepararse para la naturalización y defender sus derechos si enfrenta un proceso de deportación. Con un amplio conocimiento de todos los aspectos del sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos, podemos guiarlo en la identificación de los caminos más factibles para residir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos de América.

A diferencia de algunos abogados de inmigración, nuestra firma está verdaderamente dedicada a ayudarlo a alcanzar el Sueño Americano. Junto con nuestros socios, ayudamos a hombres y mujeres "crédito invisible" a obtener el financiamiento que necesitan para contratar abogados de inmigración en Daytona Beach, FL. Estos préstamos cubren tanto los honorarios de presentación del gobierno como los honorarios de su abogado de inmigración. Al hacerlo, ayudamos a los clientes a establecer perfiles crediticios que les ayuden a acceder al crédito en el futuro mientras toman los pasos necesarios en el camino hacia la ciudadanía plena.

Al final del día, nuestro objetivo es utilizar todas las vías legales disponibles para ayudarlo a construir una vida mejor para su familia. Cuando trabaja con nuestros abogados de inmigración, puede estar tranquilo sabiendo que siempre seremos claros sobre lo que implica cada estrategia de inmigración, así como los riesgos, costos y cronogramas involucrados. Nuestros abogados también serán francos y honestos sobre lo que podemos y no podemos hacer. Creemos que la transparencia es fundamental para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones informadas, razón por la cual siempre lo mantenemos al tanto de las actualizaciones relacionadas con su caso.

Nuestros abogados de inmigración se enfocan en brindar representación legal experta para una variedad de necesidades de inmigración, incluyendo:

  • Ley de inmigración
  • Inmigración basada en la familia
  • Inmigración basada en el empleo
  • Ciudadanía y Naturalización
  • Defensa contra la deportación
  • Cancelación de expulsión
  • 601a Renuncia Provisional
  • Visas
  • Visas U
  • Extensiones de Visa
 Immigration Benefits Daytona Beach, FL

Nuestros abogados de inmigración entienden Lo que está en juego

Ya sea que necesite reunir a su familia en los EE. UU., establecer un empleo permanente o protegerse contra la deportación, el resultado de su caso de inmigración afectará en gran medida su futuro. Nuestros abogados de inmigración reconocen la importancia de su situación y harán todo lo posible para lograr un resultado positivo en su caso. En lugar de alardear y alardear, en los Abogados de Inmigración de Florida Central, dejamos que nuestro historial hable por sí mismo. Le animamos a revisar los testimonios de nuestra firma para obtener más información sobre cómo hemos tenido un impacto directo y positivo en la vida de nuestros clientes. Nuestros clientes confían en nosotros para ayudarles a alcanzar sus sueños americanos. También estamos listos para ayudarlo a convertir sus sueños en realidad.

 American Dream Daytona Beach, FL

¿Realmente necesita abogados de inmigración en Daytona Beach, FL?

Si necesita beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses, siempre es mejor trabajar con un abogado de inmigración calificado. Tratar de superar los obstáculos de la ley de inmigración por su cuenta es como pilotar un avión sin ninguna experiencia. Puede parecer más fácil intervenir sin ninguna orientación, pero hacerlo puede ser más perjudicial para sus objetivos que contratar a un gran abogado. Si se pregunta si necesita o no un abogado de inmigración, tenga en cuenta estos beneficios comunes.

 Florida Immigration Daytona Beach, FL

Tratar de entender los trámites legales ya es bastante difícil, incluso cuando uno nace en los EE. UU. Para los hablantes no nativos de inglés, entender los trámites de inmigración es aún más difícil. Completar los formularios y reunir los documentos de respaldo necesarios puede resultar bastante abrumador y desconcertante. Los abogados de inmigración experimentados conocen bien los procedimientos correctos para completar estos formularios. No completar estos formularios con precisión puede provocar retrasos importantes en la aprobación de sus beneficios de inmigración y puede generar tarifas de presentación adicionales.

Hay varias formas de obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense y, si está solo, es posible que no conozca todas las opciones. Aquí es donde un abogado de inmigración puede intervenir para ayudar. Pueden presentar diferentes caminos, explicar las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno y asegurarse de que comprenda plenamente las implicaciones de su elección en su viaje hacia la ciudadanía.

Los abogados de inmigración están equipados para ayudarlo a obtener la autorización necesaria para trabajar en los EE. UU. Un abogado calificado está familiarizado con la información precisa que debe proporcionar para obtener la autorización de trabajo y garantizar el buen progreso de su solicitud. Sin un experto legal, los errores en el proceso pueden provocar retrasos importantes.

Si está buscando convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense, es probable que sea la primera vez que lo intenta. Afortunadamente, cuando obtiene asesoramiento de una firma acreditada como Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, puede dormir un poco más tranquilo sabiendo que tienen años de experiencia ayudando a personas como usted. Su abogado de inmigración debe estar familiarizado con los diversos escenarios y vías hacia el beneficio de inmigración que busca. Esto será una ventaja para usted, ya que tienen la experiencia para identificar la documentación necesaria, recomendar las opciones más adecuadas y brindarle orientación sobre qué anticipar durante todo el proceso.

Recuerde que el gobierno puede considerarlo inadmisible por diversos motivos, como problemas financieros no resueltos, actividad delictiva o proporcionar información falsa. Si te consideran inadmisible, no tiene por qué ser el final del camino. Existen métodos para impugnar esta sentencia. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a presentar un caso convincente. Aunque no hay garantía de que el tribunal de inmigración revoque la decisión, tener un abogado experimentado a su lado sin duda mejorará sus posibilidades.

¿Cómo puede encontrar las mejores abogados de inmigración en Daytona Beach, FL?

Encontrar el bufete de abogados de inmigración adecuado puede parecer un poco como buscar una aguja en un pajar. Esto es cierto en todos los estados, pero especialmente en Florida, donde los inmigrantes representan aproximadamente el 21% de la población, según el Consejo Estadounidense de Inmigración. Entonces, ¿cómo encontrar a los mejores abogados de inmigración en su estado? A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos que hemos recopilado para ayudarle a facilitar su búsqueda.

Immigration Attorneys Daytona Beach, FL

Mientras sus asuntos de inmigración están en progreso, es importante mantenerse informado sobre el estado de su caso, cualquier desafío que pueda surgir y qué acciones podría necesitar tomar. Por eso es crucial trabajar con abogados de inmigración que valoren la comunicación proactiva. Puede preguntarle a su abogado sobre sus habilidades de comunicación y con qué frecuencia se comunican con usted, pero tome esa respuesta con cautela. También es útil consultar reseñas y leer lo que antiguos clientes tienen que decir sobre su capacidad de respuesta. No se conforme con un abogado que no lo mantenga actualizado.

Este consejo se suma a nuestro primer punto porque implica comunicación. Si tiene preguntas sobre su caso o cualquier otra faceta de su estatus migratorio, su abogado debe estar disponible para responder esas preguntas y brindarle tranquilidad cuando sea necesario. No siempre es realista esperar que un abogado pueda responder a su llamada de inmediato, pero es razonable anticipar que su abogado le responderá dentro de unos días. Si un abogado tiene un historial de no devolver llamadas de clientes anteriores (lo que puede descubrir, por ejemplo, en las revisiones de los clientes), entonces tenga cuidado al trabajar con ese abogado y siga buscando otro.

Si un abogado alguna vez ha sido criticado públicamente o sus antiguos clientes han presentado quejas formales en su contra, el colegio de abogados del estado mantendrá registros de estos incidentes. Si está pensando en contratar a un abogado para un asunto de inmigración importante, es una buena idea ver cuál es su reputación ante el colegio de abogados estatal. De esa manera, puede verificar la experiencia del abogado de inmigración y también potencialmente tomar conocimiento de cualquier problema profesional que el abogado haya tenido en el pasado.

La ley de inmigración puede ser bastante compleja y los procedimientos asociados con tales asuntos pueden ser igualmente intrincados. Por eso es tan importante trabajar con un abogado de inmigración que tenga experiencia en el manejo de diferentes tipos de casos de inmigración o, al menos, mucha experiencia trabajando en casos como el suyo. Puede evaluar la experiencia de un abogado en casos de inmigración consultando primero su sitio web. Si esa información no está disponible, no dude en comunicarse directamente con el abogado para preguntarle sobre su experiencia en el manejo de casos similares al suyo. No olvides consultar las reseñas en línea.

Cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, debe tener confianza en su abogado de inmigración, confiar en que será honesto acerca de su caso y brindarle asesoramiento directo sobre sus opciones cuando se enfrente a obstáculos. Puede tener una idea de la integridad y veracidad de un abogado de inmigración reuniéndose con él para una consulta inicial y leyendo los testimonios de sus clientes para conocer su honestidad. Si no se siente del todo cómodo con un abogado de inmigración después de esta reunión, es mejor buscar en otra parte.

Incluso si habla inglés con fluidez, es importante contar con un abogado de inmigración que pueda brindar servicios en varios idiomas. Esto es especialmente crucial si sus asuntos de inmigración involucran a familiares, colegas u otras personas que tienen un dominio limitado del inglés. Si el idioma puede ser un problema para usted o para alguien más involucrado en su caso de inmigración, asegúrese de que el abogado que le interesa ofrezca servicios en su idioma nativo o preferido. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer servicios legales tanto en inglés como en español.

Si es nuevo en este país, intentar comprender las leyes de inmigración es abrumador. Pero con la orientación y preparación adecuadas, los objetivos de inmigración de su familia están a su alcance. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, ayudamos a los clientes a lograr el éxito y la tranquilidad a través de años de experiencia combinada, honestidad, comunicación, orientación profesional y estrategias innovadoras de leyes de inmigración. Comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos ayudarlo cuando más lo necesita.

Top 3 Abogado de inmigración Banderas rojas

¿Se pregunta si hay alguna señal de alerta que deba tener en cuenta al elegir abogados de inmigración en Daytona Beach, FL? La respuesta simple a esa pregunta es sí. Si tiene un mal presentimiento o nota alguna de las siguientes señales de alerta, tenga cuidado.


Abogados que esperan en las oficinas de USCIS

Los abogados que intentan acercarse a usted en una oficina que ofrece Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos a menudo brindan servicios legales mediocres. Los grandes abogados de inmigración no tendrán tiempo para pasar el rato en una oficina de USCIS todo el día porque están ocupados atendiendo a sus clientes.


"Expertas" que no son realmente abogadas

Tenga cuidado con las personas que se presentan como "consultores de visas", "notarios" o "preparadores de peticiones", ya que no son lo mismo que abogados autorizados. A menudo, simplemente ayudan a completar formularios, pero carecen de una comprensión genuina de sus circunstancias legales. Existe la posibilidad de que completen los formularios incorrectamente o incluso se escapen con su dinero sin brindarle ningún servicio.


Orientación y asesoramiento ilegales

Tenga mucho cuidado con los abogados que le brindan consejos poco éticos o incluso ilegales. Por ejemplo, tenga cuidado con los abogados que le aconsejan mentir en un formulario de inmigración, engañar a un funcionario del USCIS o intentar sobornar a una autoridad de inmigración. Si lo atrapan, podría resultar en una exclusión permanente de los beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses.

Nuevo Ciudadano de los Estados Unidos!
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Cambiando vidas una inmigración Caso a la vez

En los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central, tenemos años de experiencia combinada representando exitosamente a clientes en una variedad de casos de inmigración. Estamos dedicados a brindar servicios legales confiables y transparentes, ya sea que necesite ayuda con una solicitud de inmigración básica o un litigio por un asunto federal extremadamente complicado.

A diferencia de algunas firmas de abogados de inmigración, combinamos tecnología de punta con un servicio tradicional personalizado para brindar a nuestros clientes un asesoramiento sólido y eficaz. Puede contar con que su caso avance lo más rápido posible mientras tiene la confianza de que nuestros abogados de inmigración en el estado y la ciudad responderán a sus preguntas de manera honesta, clara y eficiente. Para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios de defensa de inmigración, ciudadanía y deportación, programe su consulta inicial hoy.

Latest News in Daytona Beach, FL

Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Riders Brave Hurricane Debby on 10,000-Mile Journey from Daytona Beach, Florida to Homer, Alaska

Homer, AK, August 09, 2024 –Northern Notes LLC, the publisher of Homer By The Bay, a blog about Things to Do in Homer, Alaska, is excited to share the start of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. Riders will endure a journey from Daytona Beach, Florida, to Homer, Alaska, face extreme weather, and sleep beside their bikes without GPS support. This challenge tests riders’ skill, endurance, and purpose, emphasizing Respect, Honor, Integrity, and Compassion. Homer will welcome the riders from August 14-17, 2024....

Homer, AK, August 09, 2024 –Northern Notes LLC, the publisher of Homer By The Bay, a blog about Things to Do in Homer, Alaska, is excited to share the start of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. Riders will endure a journey from Daytona Beach, Florida, to Homer, Alaska, face extreme weather, and sleep beside their bikes without GPS support. This challenge tests riders’ skill, endurance, and purpose, emphasizing Respect, Honor, Integrity, and Compassion. Homer will welcome the riders from August 14-17, 2024.

The 2024 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge benefits the Kenaitze Indian Tribe Yahanen Language and Cultural Programs.

In addition to the primary beneficiary of the event, each rider chooses a cause to support.

Three Homer, Alaska residents are riding in the Challenge. Brad Phelps (Rider #1160) is the dedicated small business owner of BP Welding in Homer, Alaska, and the esteemed Director of the American Legion Riders from Chapter #16. Brad’s mission is to raise awareness and funds for the Last Frontier Honor Flight, which honors veterans by providing them with all-expenses-paid trips to visit their memorials in Washington, D.C.

Alex Sweeney (Rider # 88) owns The Driftwood Inn in Homer, Alaska, a Forever Partner of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. He and his daughter, Lexi (Rider # 1236), are raising funds for South Peninsula Haven House, which supports and empowers individuals and families impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse by advocating for justice and providing safe shelter, crisis intervention, prevention, and victim advocacy.

Follow the Journey Follow a rider’s progress throughout the Challenge via live tracking provided by the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. Follow Brad, Alex, and Lexi at hokaheychallenge.com. On the home page, scroll down to and click on Track Your Rider. Enter the rider’s number in the search field “Search US Fleet Tracking.”

Community Support The Driftwood Inn in Homer, Alaska, is a historic inn in Old Town Homer, Alaska. It is a Forever Partner of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. The Driftwood Inn and the Homer Community have rallied around Phelps, with local businesses and individuals pledging their support.

“Riding in the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is a dream come true,” said Phelps. “But more importantly, it’s an opportunity to give back to those who have given so much for our country. I am honored to ride for the Last Frontier Honor Flight and help our veterans experience the recognition they deserve.”

About BP Welding BP Welding, owned and operated by Brad Phelps, is a Homer Marine Trades Association member and a cornerstone business in Homer, Alaska. It is known for its exceptional service and community involvement. Phelps’ commitment to quality and dedication to his craft has earned BP Welding a stellar reputation in the local community.

About the American Legion Riders The American Legion Riders, Post #16, is an esteemed group dedicated to supporting veterans, active-duty military, and their families. Through various charitable activities and community events, they foster a spirit of camaraderie and service.

A Homer Alaska Welcome The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is an extraordinary test of endurance and spirit. Its riders embark on a grueling 10,000-mile journey from Daytona Beach, Florida, down the Kenai Peninsula to Homer, Alaska. This year, participants faced an additional challenge as they rode through the formidable conditions of Hurricane Debby, showcasing their remarkable resilience and determination.

Homer, Alaska, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and welcoming community, eagerly awaits the arrival of these courageous riders. The town is pulling out all the stops to celebrate their incredible achievement with events designed to honor their journey and offer a warm Alaskan welcome.

Things to Do in Homer Alaska Event Highlights:

August 14: Hoka Hey Happy Hour at AJ’s Steakhouse – Join us for an evening of camaraderie and celebration as we toast the riders’ accomplishments.

August 15: Rider Night at the Salty Dawg – A night dedicated to the brave participants, filled with stories, laughter, and Alaskan hospitality.

August 17: The End of the Road Party at Alice’s Champagne Palace – This celebration marks the completion of the Challenge and features music, food, and festivities.

Homer, Alaska, is proud to host these modern-day warriors and looks forward to sharing in the spirit of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. Join us in honoring their incredible journey and the unyielding human spirit it represents.

Judge cites 'escalating violence' in sentencing Brendan Depa for beating teacher's aide

BUNNELL — Brendan Depa appeared to pray twice during his sentencing hearing for beating a teacher’s aide at Matanzas High School, an attack that ...

BUNNELL — Brendan Depa appeared to pray twice during his sentencing hearing for beating a teacher’s aide at Matanzas High School, an attack that was recorded in a viral video that became international news.

But the teen made no statement to the court and the judge said Depa never expressed remorse for the brutal attack.

Circuit Judge Terence Perkins cited Depa’s escalating violence and the teen’s need for treatment and then sentenced him to five years in prison followed by 15 years of probation.

Perkins said he saw no concern for Joan Naydich’s injuries on the part of Depa.

“And Mr. Depa has never expressed not even a single bit of remorse before this court in any of our many court proceedings — not once, with regard to remorse,” Perkins said.

Depa swung his head back so he was looking straight up at the ceiling when Perkins read the verdict in the courtroom at the Kim C. Hammond Justice Center in Bunnell.

The judge ordered that Depa, who is autistic and has been diagnosed with other mental health disorders, receive a full mental health evaluation and treatment once in the state prison system.

Depa will receive credit for 17 1/2 months time served in jail as he awaited the outcome of his case.

Perkins adjudicated Depa guilty of aggravated battery on a school board employee. Depa had pleaded no contest to the first-degree felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

Depa was 17 on Feb. 21, 2023, when he attacked Naydich, a paraprofessional who had been assigned to him at Matanzas High School.

Naydich testified during the first part of the sentencing on May 1 that she texted Depa’s teacher that he should not be allowed to take a gaming system to class after he took it out twice, disrupting other students. Afterward, Depa attacked Naydich as she walked in a school hallway.

Brendan Depa's 'progression and violence'

Perkins noted that mental health experts testified that Depa suffers from autism spectrum disorder and also said he had above-average intelligence. He said he was not losing sight that Depa was 17 at the time of the incident.

But Perkins said the beating was not “an isolated event” and Depa had twice been charged as a juvenile in 2019 with battery. Depa was also violent and aggressive toward staff and residents at the group home in Palm Coast starting in November 2020. Perkins also said Depa had been in an "extremely aggressive fight" in December 2021 on a school bus that the bus driver indicated he could not break up.

The judge then referred to Depa’s attack on Naydich.

“It’s an event that shows the progression and violence that Mr. Depa was exerting among those that were around him,” Perkins said.

He noted testimony from a mental heath expert who testified that Depa knew the difference between right and wrong and is capable of controlling his anger.

The judge said that an expert said the violence was not related to autism.

“It doesn’t cause it,” the judge said. “Violence, bullying or aggression are not associated with the autism spectrum disorder,” Perkins said, adding that there can be some individuals who can be violent.

Perkins commended the Flagler County jail, saying the routine and structure there played a role in eliminating violence on Depa’s part.

He noted that Depa’s physical growth made him more dangerous to those around him. Depa was listed as 6 feet, 6 inches tall and 270 pounds in the charging affidavit for the attack on Naydich.

Perkins said for the purposes of sentencing, Depa must be considered dangerous with a high probability of violent conduct in the future.

Judge: Brendan Depa expressed no remorse

“Compounding the senseless physical violence was the screaming of obscenities, spitting on Ms. Naydich both before and during the incident,” Perkins said.

“He pursued her down the hallway, pushed her so violently from behind that she flew through the air and was knocked unconscious when she landed in the hallway floor," the judge said. "He then proceeded to kick her, then jump on top of her, striking her in the head and body more than 15 times. It took several strong men, I counted five, but several to pull him off.”

Even while Naydich was still unconscious, Depa spit at her and yelled profanities as he threatened to kill her, Perkins said.

The judge noted that Naydich suffered five broken ribs; a concussion; herniated discs; headaches; vision and hearing losses; and PTSD from the attack.

“What would have happened had Mr. Depa not been pulled off her, I, I don’t want to even imagine,” Perkins said.

Assistant State Attorney Melissa Clark argued for a state prison sentence, asking for seven years. She said sentencing Depa as a juvenile would mean he would be released in two years when he turns 21. She said that was not enough time for someone who has life-long mental health diagnosis. She also said it was not enough punishment for the severe beating Depa inflicted on Naydich.

Depa's defense attorney, Kurt Teifke, said school officials met after the incident and determined that Depa's attack on Naydich was a manifestation of his disability. Teifke cited testimony that the school district had not followed an individualized education plan for Depa or heeded warnings about triggers that could upset him, such as the electronics. Teifke said Depa would not receive the necessary treatment in state prison.

Teifke told the judge during the hearing that Depa originally planned to make a statement, but had a "change of heart."

Brendan Depa appears to pray during sentencing

During the hearing, Depa, handcuffed and dressed in the routine orange jail jumpsuit, sat between Teifke and Teifke's assistant. A couple of times, Depa bent over and would then rise and make the sign of the cross. Other times, he would talk to his attorney or the assistant. Depa also laid his head directly on the table a couple of times.

After the hearing, Leanne Depa, who lives in the Tampa area and adopted Depa when he was an infant, said the school district failed him and did not follow his behavioral plan. She was accompanied by numerous supporters during the hearing.

"I think he needs help. Absolutely. But I don't think he needs to be put away in a prison where he is going to be taken advantage of," she said.

Leanne Depa said: "They are punishing that he is Black, they are punishing that he is large and they are punishing his disability."

Naydich could not be reached for comment.

Budget airline to offer nonstop flights to four new destinations at Daytona Beach airport

DAYTONA BEACH — A Utah-based low-cost airline will soon offer year-round twice-a-week nonstop flights at Daytona Beach International Airport to ...

DAYTONA BEACH — A Utah-based low-cost airline will soon offer year-round twice-a-week nonstop flights at Daytona Beach International Airport to four new destinations.

Breeze Airways announced its plans at a press conference Wednesday morning at the Volusia County-run airport.

It will launch its service to Westchester County (White Plains), New York, on Thursdays and Sundays, beginning Nov. 14.

It will add flights on Thursdays and Sundays beginning Feb. 13, 2025, to and from Hartford, Connecticut, and to and from Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina.

Then it will add flights on Mondays and Fridays beginning Feb. 14, 2025 to and from Providence, Rhode Island.

Cyrus Callum, Volusia County's director of aviation and economic resources, described Breeze's decision to add flights here as "the biggest air service announcement" in the airport's history. "We haven't had one carrier announce four new destinations all at once before," he said in a phone interview.

What is Breeze Airways?

The budget airline was founded in 2018 and began service on its first route (Tampa to Charleston, South Carolina) in 2021. It is based in Cottonwood Heights, Utah (just outside Salt Lake City).

Its founder, CEO David Neeleman, previously was involved in founding four other airlines: JetBlue, WestJet, Morris Air, and Azul Linhas Aereas.

According to its website, Breeze focuses on providing "efficient and affordable flights between secondary airports, bypassing hubs for shorter travel times. Our flights include seamless booking, no change or cancellation fees, up to 24 months of reusable flight credit, and customized flight features, including complimentary family seating, delivered via a sleek and simple app. We make it easy to buy and easy to fly."

Cities that Breeze currently flies out of in Florida include Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, Fort Myers, Sarasota-Bradenton, Pensacola, and Vero Beach.

What are its fare options?

Breeze offers four different types of air fares: "No Flex Fare" (no-frills basic fare whose purchasers are the last to be seated); "Nice" (includes a free carry-on item, standard seat, and general boarding); "Nicer" (free carry-on item, one free checked bag, extra leg room, free inflight WiFi, priority boarding); and "Nicest" (one carry-on item, two checked bags, free inflight WiFi, recliner seat, two free checked bags, priority boarding, free inflight snacks and drinks). All options allow one free personal item.

Prices on Breeze flights from Daytona Beach were not available on the airline's website on Tuesday.

Introductory discount available this week

Breeze is offering a 35% discount on all roundtrip base fares if purchasedbefore midnight Friday for travel from Aug. 28 through Feb. 4 of next year,and from April 28 through May 13, 2025. To access the introductory discount, use the promotional code "TAKEOFF" at checkout on flybreeze.com or on the Breeze app.

What kind of planes will Breeze use here?

Callum said Breeze will use Airbus A220-300s on its flights to and from Daytona Beach. They will be able to seat up to 137 passengers.

Breeze flights will boost travel options at Daytona airport

The addition of the new routes by Breeze will increase the number of destinations airline travelers can fly to from Daytona Beach International Airport to nine, not counting seasonal offerings.

The airport currently offers four flights a day, seven days a week, by both Delta Air Lines (to Atlanta, Georgia), and by American Airlines (to Charlotte, North Carolina).

Low-cost carrier Avelo Airlines currently offers twice-a-week nonstop flights to New Haven, Connecticut.

Avelo recently announced plans to add twice weekly nonstop service to Wilmington, Delaware (a 30-minute drive to Philadelphia), beginning Nov. 7, and to Hartford, Connecticut, starting Nov. 8.

The addition of Breeze could increase Daytona Beach's chances of attracting service to new destinations from other airlines as well, said Joanne Magley, the airport's director of air service, marketing and customer service.

"The more we add airlines, the more other airlines take notice," she said.

Decision hastened by competitor's recent announcement

Callum said Avelo's announcement in July of its plans to add nonstop Daytona Beach-Hartford service took Breeze officials by surprise as they were already in talks about possibly introducing flights to that city from here.

"It created a sense of urgency," he said of Breeze's decision last week to finally agree to add service at Daytona Beach.

Incentives were involved

Daytona Beach International Airport agreed to provide Breeze with "general airport incentives" that include a two-year waiver on the fees the airport typically charges airlines such as landing fees and rent, said Callum.

The airport also pledged to provide marketing assistance to promote the airline's new routes, as well as the possibility of marketing assistance from the Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau.

The amount the CVB would spend on promoting Breeze's new routes has yet to be determined and is subject to approval both from its board as well as from the Volusia County Council.

Were local tax dollars involved?

No, at least not those collected by the county.

Daytona Beach International Airport operates as an "enterprise fund" meaning that its funding comes from revenues it generates on its own from tenants, which include the airlines, car rental companies, and the restaurants and hotels on its property, as well as from state and federal grants (usually for construction projects).

The airport does not use money from ad valorem taxes paid by Volusia County residents.

What they're saying

“Breeze starting service at Daytona Beach International Airport is beyond ‘NICE’,” said Airport Director Karen Feaster, in a news release. “Our air service development team has been talking with the route planners at Breeze for more than two years, continually building relationships and now we can celebrate a huge air service win for our community and welcome even more visitors to our beautiful destination.”

“We have continued to see opportunities for growth on Florida’s eastern coast, and that’s evident by this announcement of four nonstop routes from Daytona Beach,” said David Neeleman, Breeze Airways’ founder and CEO, in the news release. “These great destinations will give the community more affordable, yet elevated travel options.”

Tornado Watch Issued in Flagler, Volusia Counties

Chris GollonA tornado watch in Flagler and Volusia counties, initially issued on Sunday, has been extended until at least 4:00 pm Monday. The watch was put out as Hurricane Debby made its effects felt over much of Florida during its Monday landfall. Debby made landfall at around 7:00 am near Steinhatchee, a Gulf Coast city nearly straight west of St. Augustine. It has been measured as a Category 1 hurricane.A tornado watch, as defined by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), signifies that conditions are...

Chris Gollon

A tornado watch in Flagler and Volusia counties, initially issued on Sunday, has been extended until at least 4:00 pm Monday. The watch was put out as Hurricane Debby made its effects felt over much of Florida during its Monday landfall. Debby made landfall at around 7:00 am near Steinhatchee, a Gulf Coast city nearly straight west of St. Augustine. It has been measured as a Category 1 hurricane.

A tornado watch, as defined by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), signifies that conditions are ideal for a tornado to form in a given area. When conditions elevate to a tornado warning, a twister has been detected and those in the affected area should seek shelter immediately.

Almost the entire state of Florida is still under a state of emergency as of Monday due to Debby, which is hitting the state from the Gulf of Mexico and traveling to the northeast. Heavy rains and gusty winds are accounting for most of the impacts in the early hours of Debby’s landfall.

In Flagler County, the most noticeable effects were erosion to the newly-installed beach renourishment on the south side of Flagler Beach. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been working on offshore dredging to restore some of the area’s coastline, which has been chipped away at by coastal flooding and rising water levels.

“The beach construction operation is on hold due to high seas,” said USACE Coastal Engineering Administrator Ansley Wren-Key. “The dredge will be back later this week when wave heights decrease to less than 5 feet. We are hoping that it will be Wednesday, but it all depends on Hurricane Debby and the wave and weather conditions.”

The Flagler County Emergency Management Department advised on Monday that two to three inches of rain are expected by Wednesday, a lower estimate than the initial four to eight. Winds on Monday in Flagler are expected to reach 30 miles per hour consistently, with gusts up to 40 (a tropical storm level). A wind advisory is in effect in Flagler until Monday at 11:00 pm, as of Monday afternoon.

The Volusia County Emergency Management Department is projecting slightly stronger elements for their area. Predictions include four to six inches of rain and winds up to 50 miles per hour. Residents traveling in Volusia County are advised to watch for flooded roadways and other driving hazards.

In the event of residents losing power, the Florida Division of Emergency Management advises unplugging electronics and appliances to avoid surge damage, check for updates on the radio, and operate a generator 20 feet from the home. The usage of open flames during a power outage is highly discouraged.

Much of Florida under tornado watch as Hurricane Debby makes landfall

Hurricane Debby made landfall in Steinhatchee, Florida, Monday morning, the same area where Tropical Storm Debby came ashore 12 y...

Hurricane Debby made landfall in Steinhatchee, Florida, Monday morning, the same area where Tropical Storm Debby came ashore 12 years ago and Hurricane Idalia hit last year. Florida residents along the state's west coast are being drenched and flooded, but inland areas can't count themselves lucky just yet. Much of the state and parts of Georgia are under a tornado watch until 4 p.m. EDT Monday.

"A few tornadoes are possible over central and northern Florida and southeastern Georgia today," the National Hurricane Center said in an advisory. "The threat will spread northeastward into parts of South Carolina later today and tonight."

The National Weather Service said that two tornadoes were seen on the ground by spotters in or near Polk County. One NWS student volunteer spotter reported a tornado on the ground in west Bowling Green in Hardee County at 4:35 p.m. and another took a video of a tornado on the ground for about 2 minutes southwest of Bartow about two hours later.

Tornadoes are unpredictable, immensely powerful, and very, very dangerous. Here's what you need to know.

Which Florida counties are under tornado watch?

Twenty-nine of the state's 67 counties are included in the NWS's tornado watch, including Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Citrus, Clay, Columbia, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist, Hardee, Hernando, Hillsborough, Lake, Levy, Manatee, Marion, Nassau, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, Sumter, Union and Volusia.

Coastal areas under tornado watch include:

Which Georgia counties are under tornado watch?

As of Sunday afternoon, the following Georgia counties are included: Brantley, Bryan, Camden, Charlton, Chatham, Evans, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Pierce, Tattnall, Ware and Wayne.

Also coastal waters from Savannah, Georgia to Altamaha Sound out 20 nautical miles, including Gray's Reef national Marine Sanctuary

What's the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning?

If the National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for your area it means conditions for tornadoes are good and you should be ready to act quickly. Have your emergency plans and supplies ready.

If your area is under a tornado warning, it means a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar and you may be in imminent danger. Act quickly.

if you are under a tornado warning or if you've seen or heard a tornado approaching, immediately take steps depending on your situation:

How do I prepare for a tornado?

The National Weather Service suggests having an emergency plan ready ahead of time, including designating a "safe space" in your home that is a completely interior room, ideally without windows.

You also should have supplies ready such as flashlights, batteries, food, water, clothes and shoes, and some way or multiple ways to get updates including your fully-charged phone with push alerts set up, local TV reports, weather apps and a NOAA weather radio.

What do I do if a tornado is nearby?

Check forecasts regularly to see if you're at risk for tornadoes. You can get that information from weather apps on your phone, this website, NOAA Weather radio, local news sites such as this one, local TV news, or your local Emergency Operations Center. Stay informed.

Have a family plan ready that includes where to meet and how to keep in touch. Assume you'll lose power and keep your phones fully charged ahead of time, with important phone numbers written down.

Tornadoes can sound like a freight train bearing down on you, but don't assume that if you don't hear that you're safe. Pay attention to weather alerts.

What do I do if a tornado is coming and I'm in a house?

If you're in a house:

What do I do if a tornado is coming and I'm in a mobile or manufactured home?

If you're in a mobile or manufactured home:

What do I do if a tornado is coming and I'm out in the open?

If you're in open country:

What do I do if a tornado is coming and I'm in a vehicle?

What do I do if a tornado is coming and I'm in an office, condominium, school or hotel?

What do I do after a tornado has passed?

What is a tornado?

According to the National Weather Service, a tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the ground.

Tornadoes are capable of completely destroying well-made structures, uprooting trees, and hurling objects through the air like deadly missiles. Tornadoes can occur at any time of day or night and at any time of the year.

Although tornadoes are most common in the Central Plains and the southeastern United States, they have been reported in all 50 states.

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