Cuando piensas en el sueño americano, ¿qué te viene a la mente? Para muchos ciudadanos, significa la libertad de mantener a su familia mediante el trabajo duro, la dedicación y las buenas obras. Para otros, significa tener una carrera confiable y suficiente seguridad financiera para comprar una casa modesta y tal vez incluso una cerca blanca. Sin embargo, en los tiempos modernos, es más difícil que nunca alcanzar el Sueño Americano, y eso es para las personas que nacen en nuestra gran nación. Para los hombres y mujeres que llegan a los EE. UU. desde otro país, a menudo parece imposible. Se trata de personas buenas y trabajadoras que simplemente quieren tener la oportunidad de mantener a sus familias y adoptar el estilo estadounidense.
Desafortunadamente, atravesar el sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos rara vez es sencillo o sencillo. Muchos casos de inmigración enfrentan obstáculos y dificultades que requieren asistencia legal experta para lograr resultados favorables. Puede resultar complicado descubrir cómo organizar adecuadamente los materiales de solicitud o discernir las opciones disponibles para usted. Afortunadamente, los abogados de inmigración en Naples, FL, pueden ayudarlo a evitar los errores comunes que muchos cometen y ayudarlo a obtener acceso a los beneficios de inmigración que merece. Todo comienza con una conferencia individual con los abogados de inmigración de Central Florida.
Los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central poseen un amplio conocimiento y una comprensión integral del sistema de inmigración de los EE. UU., derivados de décadas de experiencia legal especializada. Priorizamos tratar a nuestros clientes como socios, con el objetivo principal de ayudar a resolver cualquier desafío relacionado con la inmigración.
Nuestra abogada principal, Charlene Seda, se desempeñó anteriormente como jueza de servicios de inmigración en USCIS, y el abogado Alejandro Salgado tiene una amplia experiencia como abogado penalista. Esta experiencia combinada le da a nuestra firma de abogados un punto de vista distintivo en todas las facetas del sistema de inmigración, lo que nos permite apoyar mejor a nuestros clientes. En conjunto, nuestro equipo legal tiene más de 20 años de experiencia combinada y sigue dedicado a ofrecer la asistencia capacitada y empática que necesita.
Los clientes recomiendan a sus amigos y familiares a nuestros abogados de inmigración en Naples, FL, porque proporcionamos:
La abogada Charlene Seda y el abogado Alejandro Seda tienen más de 20 años de experiencia combinada. Ambos son graduados de la prestigiosa Universidad Católica de Ponce, Puerto Rico y ambos recibieron títulos de maestría de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Miami.
La abogada Charlene Seda trabajó anteriormente en USCIS, el Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. Ella conoce el sistema desde adentro y sabe lo que debe hacer para que su caso de inmigración tenga éxito.
Nuestros abogados de inmigración se esfuerzan por ser accesibles para nuestros clientes. Queremos asegurarnos de hacer un seguimiento y compartir el estado de su caso para que todos estemos en el mismo camino.
Puede confiar en nosotros desde el momento en que ingresa a nuestra oficina. Le informaremos exactamente lo que podemos y no podemos hacer por su caso. Queremos establecer expectativas claras desde el primer día.
Cuando contrata nuestra firma, obtiene acceso a décadas de experiencia profesional. Estamos listos para ayudarlo como su aliado y asesor en cada etapa de su viaje de inmigración. Nuestro equipo puede ayudarlo a obtener estatus legal a través de varios procesos de solicitud, explorar visas de doble intención, ayudarlo a prepararse para la naturalización y defender sus derechos si enfrenta un proceso de deportación. Con un amplio conocimiento de todos los aspectos del sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos, podemos guiarlo en la identificación de los caminos más factibles para residir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos de América.
A diferencia de algunos abogados de inmigración, nuestra firma está verdaderamente dedicada a ayudarlo a alcanzar el Sueño Americano. Junto con nuestros socios, ayudamos a hombres y mujeres "crédito invisible" a obtener el financiamiento que necesitan para contratar abogados de inmigración en Naples, FL. Estos préstamos cubren tanto los honorarios de presentación del gobierno como los honorarios de su abogado de inmigración. Al hacerlo, ayudamos a los clientes a establecer perfiles crediticios que les ayuden a acceder al crédito en el futuro mientras toman los pasos necesarios en el camino hacia la ciudadanía plena.
Al final del día, nuestro objetivo es utilizar todas las vías legales disponibles para ayudarlo a construir una vida mejor para su familia. Cuando trabaja con nuestros abogados de inmigración, puede estar tranquilo sabiendo que siempre seremos claros sobre lo que implica cada estrategia de inmigración, así como los riesgos, costos y cronogramas involucrados. Nuestros abogados también serán francos y honestos sobre lo que podemos y no podemos hacer. Creemos que la transparencia es fundamental para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones informadas, razón por la cual siempre lo mantenemos al tanto de las actualizaciones relacionadas con su caso.
Nuestros abogados de inmigración se enfocan en brindar representación legal experta para una variedad de necesidades de inmigración, incluyendo:
Ya sea que necesite reunir a su familia en los EE. UU., establecer un empleo permanente o protegerse contra la deportación, el resultado de su caso de inmigración afectará en gran medida su futuro. Nuestros abogados de inmigración reconocen la importancia de su situación y harán todo lo posible para lograr un resultado positivo en su caso. En lugar de alardear y alardear, en los Abogados de Inmigración de Florida Central, dejamos que nuestro historial hable por sí mismo. Le animamos a revisar los testimonios de nuestra firma para obtener más información sobre cómo hemos tenido un impacto directo y positivo en la vida de nuestros clientes. Nuestros clientes confían en nosotros para ayudarles a alcanzar sus sueños americanos. También estamos listos para ayudarlo a convertir sus sueños en realidad.
Si necesita beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses, siempre es mejor trabajar con un abogado de inmigración calificado. Tratar de superar los obstáculos de la ley de inmigración por su cuenta es como pilotar un avión sin ninguna experiencia. Puede parecer más fácil intervenir sin ninguna orientación, pero hacerlo puede ser más perjudicial para sus objetivos que contratar a un gran abogado. Si se pregunta si necesita o no un abogado de inmigración, tenga en cuenta estos beneficios comunes.
Tratar de entender los trámites legales ya es bastante difícil, incluso cuando uno nace en los EE. UU. Para los hablantes no nativos de inglés, entender los trámites de inmigración es aún más difícil. Completar los formularios y reunir los documentos de respaldo necesarios puede resultar bastante abrumador y desconcertante. Los abogados de inmigración experimentados conocen bien los procedimientos correctos para completar estos formularios. No completar estos formularios con precisión puede provocar retrasos importantes en la aprobación de sus beneficios de inmigración y puede generar tarifas de presentación adicionales.
Hay varias formas de obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense y, si está solo, es posible que no conozca todas las opciones. Aquí es donde un abogado de inmigración puede intervenir para ayudar. Pueden presentar diferentes caminos, explicar las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno y asegurarse de que comprenda plenamente las implicaciones de su elección en su viaje hacia la ciudadanía.
Los abogados de inmigración están equipados para ayudarlo a obtener la autorización necesaria para trabajar en los EE. UU. Un abogado calificado está familiarizado con la información precisa que debe proporcionar para obtener la autorización de trabajo y garantizar el buen progreso de su solicitud. Sin un experto legal, los errores en el proceso pueden provocar retrasos importantes.
Si está buscando convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense, es probable que sea la primera vez que lo intenta. Afortunadamente, cuando obtiene asesoramiento de una firma acreditada como Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, puede dormir un poco más tranquilo sabiendo que tienen años de experiencia ayudando a personas como usted. Su abogado de inmigración debe estar familiarizado con los diversos escenarios y vías hacia el beneficio de inmigración que busca. Esto será una ventaja para usted, ya que tienen la experiencia para identificar la documentación necesaria, recomendar las opciones más adecuadas y brindarle orientación sobre qué anticipar durante todo el proceso.
Recuerde que el gobierno puede considerarlo inadmisible por diversos motivos, como problemas financieros no resueltos, actividad delictiva o proporcionar información falsa. Si te consideran inadmisible, no tiene por qué ser el final del camino. Existen métodos para impugnar esta sentencia. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a presentar un caso convincente. Aunque no hay garantía de que el tribunal de inmigración revoque la decisión, tener un abogado experimentado a su lado sin duda mejorará sus posibilidades.
Encontrar el bufete de abogados de inmigración adecuado puede parecer un poco como buscar una aguja en un pajar. Esto es cierto en todos los estados, pero especialmente en Florida, donde los inmigrantes representan aproximadamente el 21% de la población, según el Consejo Estadounidense de Inmigración. Entonces, ¿cómo encontrar a los mejores abogados de inmigración en su estado? A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos que hemos recopilado para ayudarle a facilitar su búsqueda.
Mientras sus asuntos de inmigración están en progreso, es importante mantenerse informado sobre el estado de su caso, cualquier desafío que pueda surgir y qué acciones podría necesitar tomar. Por eso es crucial trabajar con abogados de inmigración que valoren la comunicación proactiva. Puede preguntarle a su abogado sobre sus habilidades de comunicación y con qué frecuencia se comunican con usted, pero tome esa respuesta con cautela. También es útil consultar reseñas y leer lo que antiguos clientes tienen que decir sobre su capacidad de respuesta. No se conforme con un abogado que no lo mantenga actualizado.
Este consejo se suma a nuestro primer punto porque implica comunicación. Si tiene preguntas sobre su caso o cualquier otra faceta de su estatus migratorio, su abogado debe estar disponible para responder esas preguntas y brindarle tranquilidad cuando sea necesario. No siempre es realista esperar que un abogado pueda responder a su llamada de inmediato, pero es razonable anticipar que su abogado le responderá dentro de unos días. Si un abogado tiene un historial de no devolver llamadas de clientes anteriores (lo que puede descubrir, por ejemplo, en las revisiones de los clientes), entonces tenga cuidado al trabajar con ese abogado y siga buscando otro.
Si un abogado alguna vez ha sido criticado públicamente o sus antiguos clientes han presentado quejas formales en su contra, el colegio de abogados del estado mantendrá registros de estos incidentes. Si está pensando en contratar a un abogado para un asunto de inmigración importante, es una buena idea ver cuál es su reputación ante el colegio de abogados estatal. De esa manera, puede verificar la experiencia del abogado de inmigración y también potencialmente tomar conocimiento de cualquier problema profesional que el abogado haya tenido en el pasado.
La ley de inmigración puede ser bastante compleja y los procedimientos asociados con tales asuntos pueden ser igualmente intrincados. Por eso es tan importante trabajar con un abogado de inmigración que tenga experiencia en el manejo de diferentes tipos de casos de inmigración o, al menos, mucha experiencia trabajando en casos como el suyo. Puede evaluar la experiencia de un abogado en casos de inmigración consultando primero su sitio web. Si esa información no está disponible, no dude en comunicarse directamente con el abogado para preguntarle sobre su experiencia en el manejo de casos similares al suyo. No olvides consultar las reseñas en línea.
Cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, debe tener confianza en su abogado de inmigración, confiar en que será honesto acerca de su caso y brindarle asesoramiento directo sobre sus opciones cuando se enfrente a obstáculos. Puede tener una idea de la integridad y veracidad de un abogado de inmigración reuniéndose con él para una consulta inicial y leyendo los testimonios de sus clientes para conocer su honestidad. Si no se siente del todo cómodo con un abogado de inmigración después de esta reunión, es mejor buscar en otra parte.
Incluso si habla inglés con fluidez, es importante contar con un abogado de inmigración que pueda brindar servicios en varios idiomas. Esto es especialmente crucial si sus asuntos de inmigración involucran a familiares, colegas u otras personas que tienen un dominio limitado del inglés. Si el idioma puede ser un problema para usted o para alguien más involucrado en su caso de inmigración, asegúrese de que el abogado que le interesa ofrezca servicios en su idioma nativo o preferido. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer servicios legales tanto en inglés como en español.
Si es nuevo en este país, intentar comprender las leyes de inmigración es abrumador. Pero con la orientación y preparación adecuadas, los objetivos de inmigración de su familia están a su alcance. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, ayudamos a los clientes a lograr el éxito y la tranquilidad a través de años de experiencia combinada, honestidad, comunicación, orientación profesional y estrategias innovadoras de leyes de inmigración. Comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos ayudarlo cuando más lo necesita.
¿Se pregunta si hay alguna señal de alerta que deba tener en cuenta al elegir abogados de inmigración en Naples, FL? La respuesta simple a esa pregunta es sí. Si tiene un mal presentimiento o nota alguna de las siguientes señales de alerta, tenga cuidado.
Los abogados que intentan acercarse a usted en una oficina que ofrece Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos a menudo brindan servicios legales mediocres. Los grandes abogados de inmigración no tendrán tiempo para pasar el rato en una oficina de USCIS todo el día porque están ocupados atendiendo a sus clientes.
Tenga cuidado con las personas que se presentan como "consultores de visas", "notarios" o "preparadores de peticiones", ya que no son lo mismo que abogados autorizados. A menudo, simplemente ayudan a completar formularios, pero carecen de una comprensión genuina de sus circunstancias legales. Existe la posibilidad de que completen los formularios incorrectamente o incluso se escapen con su dinero sin brindarle ningún servicio.
Tenga mucho cuidado con los abogados que le brindan consejos poco éticos o incluso ilegales. Por ejemplo, tenga cuidado con los abogados que le aconsejan mentir en un formulario de inmigración, engañar a un funcionario del USCIS o intentar sobornar a una autoridad de inmigración. Si lo atrapan, podría resultar en una exclusión permanente de los beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses.
En los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central, tenemos años de experiencia combinada representando exitosamente a clientes en una variedad de casos de inmigración. Estamos dedicados a brindar servicios legales confiables y transparentes, ya sea que necesite ayuda con una solicitud de inmigración básica o un litigio por un asunto federal extremadamente complicado.
A diferencia de algunas firmas de abogados de inmigración, combinamos tecnología de punta con un servicio tradicional personalizado para brindar a nuestros clientes un asesoramiento sólido y eficaz. Puede contar con que su caso avance lo más rápido posible mientras tiene la confianza de que nuestros abogados de inmigración en el estado y la ciudad responderán a sus preguntas de manera honesta, clara y eficiente. Para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios de defensa de inmigración, ciudadanía y deportación, programe su consulta inicial hoy.
As Tropical Storm Debby gained strength in the Gulf of Mexico Sunday, Southwest Florida felt the effects of the passing storm.Areas of Collier County expe...
As Tropical Storm Debby gained strength in the Gulf of Mexico Sunday, Southwest Florida felt the effects of the passing storm.
Areas of Collier County experienced heavy rain squalls from Debby's outer bands, and the surf was rough along the coast. Streets were flooded and closed in Naples and Marco Island. Everglades City was flooded.
Tropical storm force winds extended 140 miles outward from the center of the storm.
The tropical weather stirred up thunderstorms capable of producing tornadoes in Collier County prompting tornado watches and warnings. A Tornado Watch remained in effect until 8 p.m. The Topical Storm warning was cancelled Sunday evening.
Live radar: See the storm's bands at roar through Collier County
Here are the latest updates from Collier, Naples, Marco Island, Isle of Capri, Everglades City, Goodland
Marco Island and Goodland were pummeled by Tropical Storm Debby Sunday, flooding most streets, stranding some motorists and throwing debris. At least one tornado warning was issued for the area. Lighting, thunder and high winds came with the Atlantic's fourth-named storm of the season.
"We've helped some people out and we’ve driven a couple of people home," said Marco Island Fire Chief Chris Byrne. "We have our high-water vehicle out."
Read the full story: Marco Island, Goodland roads under water
— J. Kyle Foster
A Tornado Warning has been issued for southwestern Collier County until 5:15 p.m.
A severe thunderstorm near Cape Romano, moving northeast at 40 mph, has radar-indicated rotation and is capable of producing a tornado.
Areas impacted include Marco Island, Belle Meade and Fiddlers Creek.
The National Weather Service advises residents to take cover immediately in an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows and stay indoors. Torrential rainfall is also occurring, which may lead to flash flooding. Avoid driving through flooded roadways.
A Flash Flood Warning will remain in effect until 6 p.m. for western Collier County.
Doppler radar detected a feeder band moving into the Naples area from the Gulf of Mexico, bringing an additional 1 to 2 inches of rain on top of the 7 to 10 inches that have already fallen, according to the National Weather Service.
Flash flooding is ongoing, affecting areas such as Naples, Marco Island, Golden Gate Estates and others. Residents should be aware of flash flooding in small creeks, streams, urban areas, highways, streets and low-lying regions.
Canal's filled to the brim and streets flooded, in video:
And photos:
Here are areas in Naples impacted by flooding Sunday afternoon:
Please stay off the roads until the storm passes and water recedes.
CCSO shared the following road closures throughout Collier County due to flooding from the tropical storm:
Collier County crews are actively monitoring road conditions due to Tropical Storm Debby, according to a press release Sunday. Collier County advised people to avoid using roadways if possible and use caution, as flooding may increase with high tides.
The following roads are closed due to high tide and flooded roadways:
Report any flooding to 239-252-8924.
At 12:45 p.m., severe thunderstorms capable of producing tornadoes were detected along a line from West Toll Gate on Alligator Alley to Orangetree, moving north at 20 mph. The warning is in place until 1 p.m.
Impacted locations include Naples, Marco Island, Golden Gate Estates and nearby areas.
Residents should take cover immediately and stay away from windows.
Heavy rainfall may obscure the tornado, so the National Weather Services advises people against waiting to see or hear it. Torrential rain could also lead to flash flooding, of which a warning is already issued for Collier.
Shortly after noon Sunday, Doppler radar detected thunderstorms producing heavy rain, with up to 4 inches already fallen. Rainfall rates of 2 to 4 inches per hour are expected, with an additional 2 to 6 inches possible. Flash flooding is occurring or expected soon. The warning is in place until 6 p.m. Sunday.
Locations affected include Naples, Marco Island, Golden Gate Estates and surrounding areas.
The National Weather Service advises people to avoid driving on flooded roads, as most flood deaths happen in vehicles.
The National Hurricane Center's 8 a.m. Sunday advisory showed the storm in the southeastern Gulf, just southwest of the Lee and Collier County coastlines, with tropical storm force winds reaching the Southwest Florida coast.
The National Weather Service showed this forecast:
For inland Collier County, including Naples:
For coastal Collier County:
Contributing: J. Kyle Foster, Andrew West, Liz Freeman, Diana Biederman, Jonah Hinebaugh
Tropical Storm Debby is set to make landfall as a Category 1 hurricane on Monday morning in the northern part of Florida, but that does not mean Southwest Floridians are not enduring any severe weather conditions.In Fort Myers Beach, wet and windy conditions Sunday evening knocked over a small structure and pushed sand up onto the roads.During the c...
Tropical Storm Debby is set to make landfall as a Category 1 hurricane on Monday morning in the northern part of Florida, but that does not mean Southwest Floridians are not enduring any severe weather conditions.
In Fort Myers Beach, wet and windy conditions Sunday evening knocked over a small structure and pushed sand up onto the roads.
During the course of the rain the beach could not be seen.
There was sand in the middle of Fort Myers Beach Times Square due to the rain pushing the sand toward the area.
Earlier in the morning, WINK News reporter Camila Pereira commented on the choppiness of the ocean water, with waves sighted from the coastline and shared the photos below.
Pereira also reported slight ponding on shore.
Collier County experienced some of the first impacts from the storm. In Naples, scattered rain has been reported along with slight coastal ripples.
As weather conditions worsen, roadway flooding in Naples has been reported.
WINK News reporter Annalise Iraola took photos of flooding on Gulfshore Boulevard.
The Collier County Sheriff’s Office posted on its Facebook account about road flooding on Gulf Shore Drive between Vanderbilt Beach Road and Bluebill Avenue.
Motorists are advised to find alternative routes to avoid stalling in flood water.
In downtown Punta Gorda, all streets east and west of U.S. 41 were closed by authorities due to flooding at around 2:30 in the afternoon.
Another concern for Southwest Floridians is keeping the electricity going during and after a storm hits our area.
WINK News spoke with a Lee County Electric Cooperative representative regarding preparations in lieu of storm impacts.
“I think one of the things that we focus on is the communication aspect of it,” said LCEC representative Karen Ryan. “We have an outage map on so customers can see where the outages are occurring and they will be confident that we are aware of it and that crews are out there working and on the way. They can also watch as power gets restored, so communication was a very big part of it.”
WINK News will continue its coverage of Tropical Storm Debby and any further impacts it may have on our area.
If you have any pictures of the storm’s impact, send them to us through the WINK News tips page.
Tropical Depression Four exited the Cuba area late Saturday morning and moved into the Florida straits on Saturday afternoon, said Ana Torres-Vasquez, a National Weather Service meteorologist based in Miami who oversees Collier County.By Saturday evening, the depression had developed into Tropical Storm Debby and entered the Gulf of Mexico.Bands of heavy rain were predicted to start locally Saturday night and into Sunday morning.TS Debby was expected travel through the Gulf toward the Florida Panhandle, ga...
Tropical Depression Four exited the Cuba area late Saturday morning and moved into the Florida straits on Saturday afternoon, said Ana Torres-Vasquez, a National Weather Service meteorologist based in Miami who oversees Collier County.
By Saturday evening, the depression had developed into Tropical Storm Debby and entered the Gulf of Mexico.
Bands of heavy rain were predicted to start locally Saturday night and into Sunday morning.
TS Debby was expected travel through the Gulf toward the Florida Panhandle, gaining strength as it moved across extremely warm waters.
For Southwest Florida the forecast for tropical storm-force winds exceeding 39 mph at times was predicted for Sunday morning.
As of 5 p.m. Saturday, Collier was under a Tropical Storm Warning.
The National Weather Service predicted:
As of Saturday evening, a Tropical Storm Warning and Storm Surge Watch were in effect for coastal Lee County. A Tropical Storm Watch was in effect of inland Lee.
The forecast called for:
Matt Anderson, a meteorologist at the NWS in Ruskin, which cover the Fort Myers-Lee County area, said the storm seemed to be veering more to the west Saturday morning.
Saturday morning's advisory from the National Hurricane Center showed the storm's predicted track to be in the Gulf off the Southwest Florida coast Sunday morning.
Conditions in Collier and Lee could see improvement by Sunday evening, Aug. 4 into early Monday.
The storm was expected to continue strengthening over the eastern Gulf of Mexico through the weekend.
Upgraded to Tropical Depression Four late Friday, the weather system was forecast to make landfall in the Big Bend region of the state early Monday as a strong tropical storm with 70 mph winds.
But National Hurricane Center senior hurricane specialist Jack Bevan said in his forecast that it's possible the cyclone could be "at hurricane strength as it reaches the northern Gulf Coast." A Category 1 hurricane begins at 74 mph.
AccuWeather lead hurricane forecaster Alex DaSilva said Friday that if the system leans toward the left, or the western edge of the forecast track cone, it would have more time to fuel up on the incredibly warm waters of the Gulf.
“It might be strengthening all the way up until it makes landfall, DaSilva said. “If it rides the western portion of the cone, there is nothing to slow the strengthening other than it hitting land.”
William Valaitis is a go-to handyman in Naples who said to make sure doors and windows are securely closed and locked. Screen doors too.
For those with generators, ensure it’s elevated in the garage and not on the floor.
To protect your air conditioner, Mark Evans, Speedy Air Conditioning’s COO, said if you notice lights flickering in the house, it’s time to turn the breakers off and wait until the power is restored before turning it back on.
If you don’t know exactly where the breaker is, turn off the unit’s interior thermostat and use fans.
“The biggest issue is the power problems,” when heavy items cause power lines to fall, resulting in surges.
Mick Moore of Vanderbilt Beach Resort and The Turtle Club said his hotel and restaurant will remain open over the weekend.
“We always call restaurant guests to confirm reservations, and we advise them if rain is expected. If we can move outside reservations inside, we do, but if the inside is fully committed, we let those with outside reservations know that we cannot guarantee a seat inside and that they may want to come another time,” said Moore.
On Friday, his team started securing items that might be affected by tropical storm winds.
The resort's restaurant reopened to patrons on May 6 after nearly two years of refurbishment. It has hurricane-impact glass windows, and the hotel has roll-down shutters that can be deployed “very quickly.”
“We have gone through many, many tropical storms over the years. While most are relatively uneventful, we always remain vigilant because we are aware that predictions are just predictions and nobody knows what is actually going to happen.”
Todd Johnson is the chef-proprietor of Nosh on Naples Bay. Hurricane Ian also significantly damaged his restaurant.
“Whenever we get these storm threats, we pull outdoor furniture in or tuck it to the building. For the interior, we make sure all small kitchen coolers are cleared out and consolidated into our big cooler.”
His team packs as much ice as possible in case of a power outage to ensure everything stays cold.
“Moving guests from outside to inside this time of year is pretty easy compared to the rare thunderstorms that brew quickly during season, when outside seating is completely booked with reservations, and so is inside, which happened in January several times this year.”
At Celebration Park, the all-outside food truck venue on Bayshore Drive, General Manager Gary Rudd said, “Rebecca (Maddox, owner) has us "battening down the hatches before any storm.”
His staff starts with the "obvious potential problems," including anything that can blow away. The venue’s standalone bar is protected with hurricane shutters.
They make a "game-time call" on closing during the morning of a weather incident, just in case the storm shifts.
While all of Naples Humane Society’s dogs get exercised outside twice a day, during a storm, some just don’t want to go.
“If it's raining the entire day, they may not get both times, but volunteers and staff spend quality time with them indoors,” said Dave Feenan, the organization's marketing and development manager.
Taking them outside only worsens the situation for the pups frightened by the storm’s sounds.
Yet some dogs don’t mind the rain. Keeping a close eye on them, HSN lets their furry residents run around the yard.
As for peeing and pooping?
“Well, they sometimes do that inside anyway, even on a sunny day. When they do their business inside, our staff or volunteers immediately pick it up.”
Kimberly Miller of the Palm Beach Post contributed
Naples and Collier County are under a tropical storm warning as what was Tropical Depression Four has now formed into Tropical Storm Debby and entered the Gulf of Mexico, according the the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center.Bonita Beach is u...
Naples and Collier County are under a tropical storm warning as what was Tropical Depression Four has now formed into Tropical Storm Debby and entered the Gulf of Mexico, according the the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center.
Bonita Beach is under a storm surge watch.
Debby is expected to bring rain, wind, rough surf and possibly surge to Southwest Florida beginning tonight.
The hurricane center warned that Bonita Beach surge could reach 2 to 4 feet if peak surge happens at the time of high tide.
The hurricane center's advisory showed a forecast of tropical storm force winds arriving to Southwest Florida late Saturday night and early Sunday morning.
A hurricane warning was issued for a portion of north Florida's Gulf Coast, including the Big Bend area.
Tropical Storm Debby is expected to approach hurricane strength before making landfall.
➤ Live Collier County radar: Keep track of Tropical storm Debby impacts on SW FL
➤ Collier County impact: Tropical storm could bring several inches of rain to Southwest Florida
➤Watching Naples, Collier forecast: Storm impact expected overnight
➤ Spaghetti models for Tropical Storm Debby
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Thursday declared a state of emergency Thursday for 54 counties. Seven more counties were added late Friday, putting 61 of Florida's 67 counties under a state of emergency.
At 5 p.m., the center of Tropical Storm Debby was located near latitude 23.9 North, longitude 83.2 West, according to the National Hurricane Center.
➤ How could tropical storm affect your weekend plans?
Debby is moving toward the northwest near 15 mph. This motion is expected to continue tonight, followed by a northward turn on Sunday and a slower northeastward motion Sunday night and Monday.
On the forecast track, the center of Debby will move across the southeastern and eastern Gulf of Mexico tonight and Sunday, reaching the Florida Gulf coast late Sunday night or Monday.
Surface observations from the Florida Keys and ships in the Straits of Florida indicate that maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph with higher gusts.
Strengthening is expected as Debby crosses the Gulf of Mexico, and the system is likely to be at or near hurricane strength when it reaches the Florida Gulf coast. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 140 miles to the east of the center.
The estimated minimum central pressure is 1007 mb.
Special note about spaghetti models: Spaghetti model illustrations include an array of forecast tools and models, and not all are created equal. The Hurricane Center uses only the top four or five highest performing models to help make its forecasts.
A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for:
A tropical storm warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area within 36 hours.
A Storm Surge Watch is in effect for:
A storm surge watch means there is a possibility of life-threatening inundation, from rising water moving inland from the coastline, in the indicated locations during the next 48 hours.
A tropical storm watch means that tropical storm conditions are possible within the watch area, generally within 48 hours.
A Hurricane Warning is in effect for:
A Hurricane Warning means that hurricane conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area. A warning is typically issued 36 hours before the anticipated first occurrence of tropical-storm-force winds, conditions that make outside preparations difficult or dangerous.
A Hurricane Watch is in effect for:
A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible within the watch area. A watch is typically issued 48 hours before the anticipated first occurrence of tropical-storm-force winds, conditions that make outside preparations difficult or dangerous.
A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for:
WIND: Tropical storm conditions are expected to spread northward over the tropical storm warning areas (including Collier County) this evening and continuing through Sunday.
Hurricane conditions are expected in the hurricane warning area by late Sunday night or Monday morning, with tropical storm conditions expected to arrive during the day on Sunday. Hurricane conditions are possible in the hurricane watch area by Sunday night, with tropical storm conditions expected to begin on Sunday. Tropical storm conditions are possible in the watch area in the Florida Keys tonight, and in the Florida Panhandle by late Sunday or Monday morning.
STORM SURGE: The combination of storm surge and tide will cause normally dry areas near the coast to be flooded by rising waters moving inland from the shoreline. The water could reach the following heights above ground somewhere in the indicated areas if the peak surge occurs at the time of high tide:
RAINFALL: Tropical Storm Debby is expected to produce rainfall totals of 6 to 12 inches, with maximum rainfall totals up to 18 inches, across portions of Florida and along the Southeast U.S. coast this weekend through Thursday. This rainfall will likely result in areas of considerable flash and urban flooding, with significant river flooding expected. For Cuba, rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches, with localized higher amounts, will be possible through tonight. This will result in isolated to scattered areas of flooding.
TORNADOES: A tornado or two is possible across the Florida Keys and the western Florida Peninsula through tonight, expanding across much of northern and central Florida on Sunday.
SURF: Swells generated by Debby are expected to affect much of the Gulf coast of Florida tonight through Monday and along the Southeast U.S. coast early next week. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office.
Gov. Ron DeSantis issued a state of emergency Thursday for 54 counties in preparation for the potential landfall of a storm that could become the first "significant threat" to the state.
Friday night, he added another seven counties. That brings 61 of the state's 67 counties under a state of emergency.
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Contributing: Cindy McCurry-Ross
Updated August 2, 2024 at 5:14 p.m. EDT|Published August 2, 2024 at 12:33 p.m. EDTA tropical storm is likely to form in the eastern Gulf of Mexico this weekend, bringing strong gusty winds, rough surf and heavy rainfall to Florida and much of the southeastern U.S. The storm would earn the name “Debby” and could strengthen into hurricane status before making landfall early next week....
Updated August 2, 2024 at 5:14 p.m. EDT|Published August 2, 2024 at 12:33 p.m. EDT
A tropical storm is likely to form in the eastern Gulf of Mexico this weekend, bringing strong gusty winds, rough surf and heavy rainfall to Florida and much of the southeastern U.S. The storm would earn the name “Debby” and could strengthen into hurricane status before making landfall early next week.
The National Hurricane Center has already issued tropical storm warnings for much of southwest Florida, including Fort Myers and Naples. Tropical storm watches cover the Keys and the south coast of Florida, as well as the Gulf Coast from just north of Fort Myers to just north of Cedar Key. Landfall is likely late this weekend or early next week.
The agency is projecting heavy rains and inland flooding to be the greatest concern, with a foot or more of rain in some locations. Storm surge, the rise in ocean water above normally dry land, and wind impacts are probable where the system makes landfall.
“Heavy rainfall may result in flash and urban flooding across portions of Florida and the Southeast this weekend through Wednesday morning,” the Hurricane Center wrote. “Isolated river flooding will also be possible.”
From there, the storm will parallel the Southeast Coast, riding up the shorelines of Georgia and the Carolinas and continuing to unload moisture. There’s a chance the storm slips back over the warm waters of the Western Atlantic, strengthening again and bringing a greater impact to the Carolinas through Wednesday.
If it forms, Debby will be the fourth named storm of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, one that forecasters continue to warn will be exceptionally active or hyperactive. Researchers at Colorado State University, for instance, are projecting that 25 named storms will form, enough to exhaust the conventional naming list set to be used by the Hurricane Center.
A combination of extremely warm sea surface temperatures and relaxed high-altitude winds stemming from a burgeoning La Niña will help crank out storms in rapid succession come peak season. Hurricane season typically peaks around mid-September.
As of 5 p.m. Eastern time Friday, the nascent tropical system was located over Cuba. It had winds of 30 mph.
On infrared satellite, the disturbance was blossoming with convection, or shower and thunderstorm activity. That’s a sign it’s beginning to lift more warm, moist air into the atmosphere and strengthen. Moreover, it is moistening the surrounding atmosphere, essentially giving itself an insulating envelope of humidity and shielding itself from dry air. This supports organization in the next day or two.
That said, its spin is broad and diffuse. “The circulation is still not well-defined, and the convection is not yet well enough organized to consider the system to be a tropical depression,” the Hurricane Center wrote.
Until a tighter pocket of spin consolidates, it won’t be able to build itself into a storm. The mountainous terrain of Cuba will complicate this process. That’s why there’s some lingering uncertainty about where the center of the storm will become established, and therefore where the eventual system will track.
It is extremely likely that a tropical storm will develop. That will probably happen by early Sunday. Then the system will intensify.
Whether a hurricane develops depends on how long the system has to organize over the very warm waters of the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Water temperatures there are running several degrees above average and are approaching 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Naples, for example, has a water temperature of 88.2 degrees; Pensacola, in the Florida Panhandle, is at 88.9 degrees.
How long it has over the Gulf hinges on the specific track, which still is uncertain.
A range of possibilities
If a more western track develops, then the storm will have more time to take advantage of the Gulf’s high oceanic heat content, or fuel stemming from warm seawaters, which would allow it to strengthen to a greater degree.
Therefore, if the storm does intensify into a hurricane, it would probably do so along a more western track. That could take it into the Florida Panhandle, southern Alabama or coastal Mississippi. That scenario is less likely, but still possible. That would also delay landfall to late Monday or early Tuesday.
What is most likely, however, is a swifter and more easterly track into the Florida Peninsula, with a landfall somewhere between the Caloosahatchee River and the Big Bend. That means a more limited period during which the storm can strengthen. It would probably come ashore Sunday afternoon or evening, or perhaps very early Monday, as a tropical storm. That would also bring more direct impacts to Tampa.
A 2 to 4 foot storm surge is expected where the system makes landfall, presumably along the Gulf Coast. If the storm ends up being stronger — perhaps coming ashore as a low-end hurricane — then a greater surge could be realized.
Otherwise, winds may gust 45 to 65 mph at the coastline and above 40 mph inland. Heavy rains would be likely for most of Florida and eastern parts of Georgia and the Carolinas. Rain totals of 4 to 8 inches will be widespread, with a few locales nearing a foot. A couple of isolated tornadoes are possible, too, primarily east of the storm’s center.
In the Carolinas, the center may stay offshore. But if it moves ashore, wind and flooding threats, as well as the surge and tornado threat, would all be greater. There’s even a chance it moves offshore, re-intensifies and then swings back westward onto land again. Forecasters will iron out the details in the days ahead.
Regardless of Debby’s exact track along the Southeast coast, the storm’s slow movement will ensure several days of rough surf, rip currents and beach erosion.