Cuando piensas en el sueño americano, ¿qué te viene a la mente? Para muchos ciudadanos, significa la libertad de mantener a su familia mediante el trabajo duro, la dedicación y las buenas obras. Para otros, significa tener una carrera confiable y suficiente seguridad financiera para comprar una casa modesta y tal vez incluso una cerca blanca. Sin embargo, en los tiempos modernos, es más difícil que nunca alcanzar el Sueño Americano, y eso es para las personas que nacen en nuestra gran nación. Para los hombres y mujeres que llegan a los EE. UU. desde otro país, a menudo parece imposible. Se trata de personas buenas y trabajadoras que simplemente quieren tener la oportunidad de mantener a sus familias y adoptar el estilo estadounidense.
Desafortunadamente, atravesar el sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos rara vez es sencillo o sencillo. Muchos casos de inmigración enfrentan obstáculos y dificultades que requieren asistencia legal experta para lograr resultados favorables. Puede resultar complicado descubrir cómo organizar adecuadamente los materiales de solicitud o discernir las opciones disponibles para usted. Afortunadamente, los abogados de inmigración en Saint Augustine, FL, pueden ayudarlo a evitar los errores comunes que muchos cometen y ayudarlo a obtener acceso a los beneficios de inmigración que merece. Todo comienza con una conferencia individual con los abogados de inmigración de Central Florida.
Los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central poseen un amplio conocimiento y una comprensión integral del sistema de inmigración de los EE. UU., derivados de décadas de experiencia legal especializada. Priorizamos tratar a nuestros clientes como socios, con el objetivo principal de ayudar a resolver cualquier desafío relacionado con la inmigración.
Nuestra abogada principal, Charlene Seda, se desempeñó anteriormente como jueza de servicios de inmigración en USCIS, y el abogado Alejandro Salgado tiene una amplia experiencia como abogado penalista. Esta experiencia combinada le da a nuestra firma de abogados un punto de vista distintivo en todas las facetas del sistema de inmigración, lo que nos permite apoyar mejor a nuestros clientes. En conjunto, nuestro equipo legal tiene más de 20 años de experiencia combinada y sigue dedicado a ofrecer la asistencia capacitada y empática que necesita.
Los clientes recomiendan a sus amigos y familiares a nuestros abogados de inmigración en Saint Augustine, FL, porque proporcionamos:
La abogada Charlene Seda y el abogado Alejandro Seda tienen más de 20 años de experiencia combinada. Ambos son graduados de la prestigiosa Universidad Católica de Ponce, Puerto Rico y ambos recibieron títulos de maestría de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Miami.
La abogada Charlene Seda trabajó anteriormente en USCIS, el Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. Ella conoce el sistema desde adentro y sabe lo que debe hacer para que su caso de inmigración tenga éxito.
Nuestros abogados de inmigración se esfuerzan por ser accesibles para nuestros clientes. Queremos asegurarnos de hacer un seguimiento y compartir el estado de su caso para que todos estemos en el mismo camino.
Puede confiar en nosotros desde el momento en que ingresa a nuestra oficina. Le informaremos exactamente lo que podemos y no podemos hacer por su caso. Queremos establecer expectativas claras desde el primer día.
Cuando contrata nuestra firma, obtiene acceso a décadas de experiencia profesional. Estamos listos para ayudarlo como su aliado y asesor en cada etapa de su viaje de inmigración. Nuestro equipo puede ayudarlo a obtener estatus legal a través de varios procesos de solicitud, explorar visas de doble intención, ayudarlo a prepararse para la naturalización y defender sus derechos si enfrenta un proceso de deportación. Con un amplio conocimiento de todos los aspectos del sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos, podemos guiarlo en la identificación de los caminos más factibles para residir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos de América.
A diferencia de algunos abogados de inmigración, nuestra firma está verdaderamente dedicada a ayudarlo a alcanzar el Sueño Americano. Junto con nuestros socios, ayudamos a hombres y mujeres "crédito invisible" a obtener el financiamiento que necesitan para contratar abogados de inmigración en Saint Augustine, FL. Estos préstamos cubren tanto los honorarios de presentación del gobierno como los honorarios de su abogado de inmigración. Al hacerlo, ayudamos a los clientes a establecer perfiles crediticios que les ayuden a acceder al crédito en el futuro mientras toman los pasos necesarios en el camino hacia la ciudadanía plena.
Al final del día, nuestro objetivo es utilizar todas las vías legales disponibles para ayudarlo a construir una vida mejor para su familia. Cuando trabaja con nuestros abogados de inmigración, puede estar tranquilo sabiendo que siempre seremos claros sobre lo que implica cada estrategia de inmigración, así como los riesgos, costos y cronogramas involucrados. Nuestros abogados también serán francos y honestos sobre lo que podemos y no podemos hacer. Creemos que la transparencia es fundamental para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones informadas, razón por la cual siempre lo mantenemos al tanto de las actualizaciones relacionadas con su caso.
Nuestros abogados de inmigración se enfocan en brindar representación legal experta para una variedad de necesidades de inmigración, incluyendo:
Ya sea que necesite reunir a su familia en los EE. UU., establecer un empleo permanente o protegerse contra la deportación, el resultado de su caso de inmigración afectará en gran medida su futuro. Nuestros abogados de inmigración reconocen la importancia de su situación y harán todo lo posible para lograr un resultado positivo en su caso. En lugar de alardear y alardear, en los Abogados de Inmigración de Florida Central, dejamos que nuestro historial hable por sí mismo. Le animamos a revisar los testimonios de nuestra firma para obtener más información sobre cómo hemos tenido un impacto directo y positivo en la vida de nuestros clientes. Nuestros clientes confían en nosotros para ayudarles a alcanzar sus sueños americanos. También estamos listos para ayudarlo a convertir sus sueños en realidad.
Si necesita beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses, siempre es mejor trabajar con un abogado de inmigración calificado. Tratar de superar los obstáculos de la ley de inmigración por su cuenta es como pilotar un avión sin ninguna experiencia. Puede parecer más fácil intervenir sin ninguna orientación, pero hacerlo puede ser más perjudicial para sus objetivos que contratar a un gran abogado. Si se pregunta si necesita o no un abogado de inmigración, tenga en cuenta estos beneficios comunes.
Tratar de entender los trámites legales ya es bastante difícil, incluso cuando uno nace en los EE. UU. Para los hablantes no nativos de inglés, entender los trámites de inmigración es aún más difícil. Completar los formularios y reunir los documentos de respaldo necesarios puede resultar bastante abrumador y desconcertante. Los abogados de inmigración experimentados conocen bien los procedimientos correctos para completar estos formularios. No completar estos formularios con precisión puede provocar retrasos importantes en la aprobación de sus beneficios de inmigración y puede generar tarifas de presentación adicionales.
Hay varias formas de obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense y, si está solo, es posible que no conozca todas las opciones. Aquí es donde un abogado de inmigración puede intervenir para ayudar. Pueden presentar diferentes caminos, explicar las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno y asegurarse de que comprenda plenamente las implicaciones de su elección en su viaje hacia la ciudadanía.
Los abogados de inmigración están equipados para ayudarlo a obtener la autorización necesaria para trabajar en los EE. UU. Un abogado calificado está familiarizado con la información precisa que debe proporcionar para obtener la autorización de trabajo y garantizar el buen progreso de su solicitud. Sin un experto legal, los errores en el proceso pueden provocar retrasos importantes.
Si está buscando convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense, es probable que sea la primera vez que lo intenta. Afortunadamente, cuando obtiene asesoramiento de una firma acreditada como Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, puede dormir un poco más tranquilo sabiendo que tienen años de experiencia ayudando a personas como usted. Su abogado de inmigración debe estar familiarizado con los diversos escenarios y vías hacia el beneficio de inmigración que busca. Esto será una ventaja para usted, ya que tienen la experiencia para identificar la documentación necesaria, recomendar las opciones más adecuadas y brindarle orientación sobre qué anticipar durante todo el proceso.
Recuerde que el gobierno puede considerarlo inadmisible por diversos motivos, como problemas financieros no resueltos, actividad delictiva o proporcionar información falsa. Si te consideran inadmisible, no tiene por qué ser el final del camino. Existen métodos para impugnar esta sentencia. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a presentar un caso convincente. Aunque no hay garantía de que el tribunal de inmigración revoque la decisión, tener un abogado experimentado a su lado sin duda mejorará sus posibilidades.
Encontrar el bufete de abogados de inmigración adecuado puede parecer un poco como buscar una aguja en un pajar. Esto es cierto en todos los estados, pero especialmente en Florida, donde los inmigrantes representan aproximadamente el 21% de la población, según el Consejo Estadounidense de Inmigración. Entonces, ¿cómo encontrar a los mejores abogados de inmigración en su estado? A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos que hemos recopilado para ayudarle a facilitar su búsqueda.
Mientras sus asuntos de inmigración están en progreso, es importante mantenerse informado sobre el estado de su caso, cualquier desafío que pueda surgir y qué acciones podría necesitar tomar. Por eso es crucial trabajar con abogados de inmigración que valoren la comunicación proactiva. Puede preguntarle a su abogado sobre sus habilidades de comunicación y con qué frecuencia se comunican con usted, pero tome esa respuesta con cautela. También es útil consultar reseñas y leer lo que antiguos clientes tienen que decir sobre su capacidad de respuesta. No se conforme con un abogado que no lo mantenga actualizado.
Este consejo se suma a nuestro primer punto porque implica comunicación. Si tiene preguntas sobre su caso o cualquier otra faceta de su estatus migratorio, su abogado debe estar disponible para responder esas preguntas y brindarle tranquilidad cuando sea necesario. No siempre es realista esperar que un abogado pueda responder a su llamada de inmediato, pero es razonable anticipar que su abogado le responderá dentro de unos días. Si un abogado tiene un historial de no devolver llamadas de clientes anteriores (lo que puede descubrir, por ejemplo, en las revisiones de los clientes), entonces tenga cuidado al trabajar con ese abogado y siga buscando otro.
Si un abogado alguna vez ha sido criticado públicamente o sus antiguos clientes han presentado quejas formales en su contra, el colegio de abogados del estado mantendrá registros de estos incidentes. Si está pensando en contratar a un abogado para un asunto de inmigración importante, es una buena idea ver cuál es su reputación ante el colegio de abogados estatal. De esa manera, puede verificar la experiencia del abogado de inmigración y también potencialmente tomar conocimiento de cualquier problema profesional que el abogado haya tenido en el pasado.
La ley de inmigración puede ser bastante compleja y los procedimientos asociados con tales asuntos pueden ser igualmente intrincados. Por eso es tan importante trabajar con un abogado de inmigración que tenga experiencia en el manejo de diferentes tipos de casos de inmigración o, al menos, mucha experiencia trabajando en casos como el suyo. Puede evaluar la experiencia de un abogado en casos de inmigración consultando primero su sitio web. Si esa información no está disponible, no dude en comunicarse directamente con el abogado para preguntarle sobre su experiencia en el manejo de casos similares al suyo. No olvides consultar las reseñas en línea.
Cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, debe tener confianza en su abogado de inmigración, confiar en que será honesto acerca de su caso y brindarle asesoramiento directo sobre sus opciones cuando se enfrente a obstáculos. Puede tener una idea de la integridad y veracidad de un abogado de inmigración reuniéndose con él para una consulta inicial y leyendo los testimonios de sus clientes para conocer su honestidad. Si no se siente del todo cómodo con un abogado de inmigración después de esta reunión, es mejor buscar en otra parte.
Incluso si habla inglés con fluidez, es importante contar con un abogado de inmigración que pueda brindar servicios en varios idiomas. Esto es especialmente crucial si sus asuntos de inmigración involucran a familiares, colegas u otras personas que tienen un dominio limitado del inglés. Si el idioma puede ser un problema para usted o para alguien más involucrado en su caso de inmigración, asegúrese de que el abogado que le interesa ofrezca servicios en su idioma nativo o preferido. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer servicios legales tanto en inglés como en español.
Si es nuevo en este país, intentar comprender las leyes de inmigración es abrumador. Pero con la orientación y preparación adecuadas, los objetivos de inmigración de su familia están a su alcance. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, ayudamos a los clientes a lograr el éxito y la tranquilidad a través de años de experiencia combinada, honestidad, comunicación, orientación profesional y estrategias innovadoras de leyes de inmigración. Comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos ayudarlo cuando más lo necesita.
¿Se pregunta si hay alguna señal de alerta que deba tener en cuenta al elegir abogados de inmigración en Saint Augustine, FL? La respuesta simple a esa pregunta es sí. Si tiene un mal presentimiento o nota alguna de las siguientes señales de alerta, tenga cuidado.
Los abogados que intentan acercarse a usted en una oficina que ofrece Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos a menudo brindan servicios legales mediocres. Los grandes abogados de inmigración no tendrán tiempo para pasar el rato en una oficina de USCIS todo el día porque están ocupados atendiendo a sus clientes.
Tenga cuidado con las personas que se presentan como "consultores de visas", "notarios" o "preparadores de peticiones", ya que no son lo mismo que abogados autorizados. A menudo, simplemente ayudan a completar formularios, pero carecen de una comprensión genuina de sus circunstancias legales. Existe la posibilidad de que completen los formularios incorrectamente o incluso se escapen con su dinero sin brindarle ningún servicio.
Tenga mucho cuidado con los abogados que le brindan consejos poco éticos o incluso ilegales. Por ejemplo, tenga cuidado con los abogados que le aconsejan mentir en un formulario de inmigración, engañar a un funcionario del USCIS o intentar sobornar a una autoridad de inmigración. Si lo atrapan, podría resultar en una exclusión permanente de los beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses.
En los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central, tenemos años de experiencia combinada representando exitosamente a clientes en una variedad de casos de inmigración. Estamos dedicados a brindar servicios legales confiables y transparentes, ya sea que necesite ayuda con una solicitud de inmigración básica o un litigio por un asunto federal extremadamente complicado.
A diferencia de algunas firmas de abogados de inmigración, combinamos tecnología de punta con un servicio tradicional personalizado para brindar a nuestros clientes un asesoramiento sólido y eficaz. Puede contar con que su caso avance lo más rápido posible mientras tiene la confianza de que nuestros abogados de inmigración en el estado y la ciudad responderán a sus preguntas de manera honesta, clara y eficiente. Para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios de defensa de inmigración, ciudadanía y deportación, programe su consulta inicial hoy.
Tropical storm Debby brought high tides under the pierST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. – Just last month, fishing would’ve been impossible from the St. Augustine Beach pier. That’s because all that was beneath the pier was sand. But now, after Tropical Storm Debby, water under the pier is making a comeback.T...
ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. – Just last month, fishing would’ve been impossible from the St. Augustine Beach pier. That’s because all that was beneath the pier was sand. But now, after Tropical Storm Debby, water under the pier is making a comeback.
The Latest: Tropical Storm Debby churns across the US Southeast
Ronan Larrabee comes to the beach all the time, and like many, was surprised by the sight.
“Last time I came out here, I sat up on that, like, the lifeguard tower,” Larrabee said. “Sand went all the way out there, and then, after yesterday, that five-foot wall from all that water.”
Dylan Rumrell, mayor of St. Augustine Beach, said he was a little surprised to see the water reappear under the pier so soon.
“I’m really disappointed,” Rumrell said with a smile. “I said November. It’s August. And so, I said, by November, they would be fishing, but you know it’s coming. It’s a natural thing that happens. The renourishment project is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do.”
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has placed close to 2.5 million cubic yards of sand on the critically eroded beaches of St. Augustine, extending three miles south from Anastasia State Park.
The project cost around $33 million. The USACE is building a beach for storm protection, recreation, and environmental purposes. Namely for sea turtles and shorebirds to nest.
Jason Harrah is a project manager with the USACE Jacksonville division.
“So, it’s kind of a multi-faceted approach, but zooming in on St. Augustine, specifically, we’ve been building this project under federal authorization since about 2003,” Harrah said. “What we’re doing is, we are building about a three-mile project that extends from Anastasia State Park in the north, goes past the pier all the way past a street near the Sea Colony area. And that project gets renourished, typically, every four to five years, or it can be done sooner after major hurricane events.”
With the new sand in place from that project, the USACE said waves and currents would spread the sand to nearby parts of the coast through a process called equilibration.
Harrah explained that section of the coastline near the pier is among the most, if not the most erosive, in all of St. Johns County. For those reasons, he said the goal is to build that area up.
“Essentially, like extra layers on the cake, putting more sand there, knowing that storms will hit that,” Harrah said. “And we want it to do that because then it will move that sand to the southern beaches and fill in the templates all the way down for the three-mile project. So, we kind of built that notch there. We know that the storms are going to start hitting it. It’ll form that cliff, what we call an escarpment that you’re seeing now, and that doesn’t mean the sand is lost.”
The Corps also said in a statement:
“The pace of the re-shaping is in large part dependent of wave and storm activity. The greater the coastal storm activity, the shorter the duration of the equilibration process. In time, the St Augustine Beach Pier will reach out into the ocean again. It would appear that Hurricane Debby has started that process.”
“Mother Nature, I’ve said this before, Mother Nature is going to win no matter what you do,” Rumrell said. “But we still have to protect the assets.”
In the meantime, Larrabee is grateful for the project and all it’s doing to protect this place he loves so much.
“They came in here and did all that restoration, gave us all this beach back,” Larrabee said. “Up there, where the hotel is, there used to be all this sand for people to sit out here. But a couple months ago, you couldn’t, because the water went all the way up to the rocks in front of the front of the hotel. So, it’s a lot better now that we got a beach.”
The beach renourishment project is federally funded.
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ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — High tide and winds from Tropical Storm Debby sent water under the St. Augustine Beach Pier Monday morning. That is unusual because a beach renourishment project essentially built a wall of sand under the pier that left it mostly dry. Now, the storm brought heavy erosion.>>> STREAM ACTION NEWS JAX LIVE <<<“I know the army core engineers did a really good job creating a beach restoration...
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — High tide and winds from Tropical Storm Debby sent water under the St. Augustine Beach Pier Monday morning. That is unusual because a beach renourishment project essentially built a wall of sand under the pier that left it mostly dry. Now, the storm brought heavy erosion.
“I know the army core engineers did a really good job creating a beach restoration. I know that protected a lot of St. Augustine, and I know that they’re doing good work. It’s definitely sad to see the water get all the way back up, but I think the engineers are going do a really good job in the future and help keep us safe and protect us,” said Alex Wenzel, St. Augustine resident.
A few people watching the waves said it looked like at least 100 yards of sand were washed away.
“I think we knew the storms were going to take out a lot of the sand especially since a lot of it wasn’t settled in yet,” said Jeannine Litty, a St. Augustine resident.
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This beach nourishment project was federally funded at around $33 million. A few people living in St. Augustine said tropical storms like Debby are bound to happen, and this beach renourishment project prevented any real damage to the beach.
“I have seen 120 to 130 feet of sand go away in one night because of a storm, so this is not too bad, and we didn’t lose too much,” said Ron Joiner, St. Augustine resident.
Tropical Storm Debby and the high tide did bring water onto the beach hitting the sand dunes. Now, the water is barely hitting the tip of the pier. People along the beach and surfers said they hoped that would be the largest impact they would see from this storm.
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Tropical Depression Four's path shifted west slightly Friday night, slowing its timeline and prompting a ...
Tropical Depression Four's path shifted west slightly Friday night, slowing its timeline and prompting a hurricane watch along a portion of Florida's Gulf Coast.
As of 2 p.m., the storm is about 115 miles southwest of Key West, according to the Gov. Ron DeSantis' office late afternoon update. On the forecast track, the center of the depression will move across western Cuba and over the eastern Gulf of Mexico later Saturday and Sunday, reaching the Florida Gulf coast late Sunday or Monday. It was moving at 15 mph with winds about 35 mph and picking up.
The majority of Florida is still under a state of emergency after DeSantis made the declaration on Thursday.
Previous paths for Tropical Depression Four put a potential landfall somewhere along the coast of Florida's Big Bend on Sunday, but the storm's path has since shifted. Now, the eye of what is likely to become Tropical Storm Debby later today will make landfall sometime between early Monday morning and Monday afternoon.
To become a tropical storm, sustained winds must reach 39 mph. The storm has maintained sustained winds of 30 mph since Friday.
Saturday morning the National Weather Service in Jacksonville said it likely will become Debby as it tracks northward off Florida’s west coast into Saturday night. Local rainfall will increase Sunday with deteriorating conditions Sunday night into Monday.
The projected impacts Sunday through Tuesday in Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia are the potential for flooding, tropical storm force winds and dangerous marine and surf zone conditions.
Saturday night there is a chance of showers and thunderstorms into the early morning. The forecast says it will be mostly cloudy with a low of around 78 degrees. There will be southeast winds from 6 to 11 mph with gusts as high as 16 mph. The chance of rain is 30%.
Sunday, there will be showers and thunderstorms with most before 5 p.m. and potentially overnight. The high temperature will be about 88 degrees. The wind will be southeast at about 8 mph to 14 mph with gusts as high as 21 mph. The chance of rain is 90%, with new rainfall amounts possibly between three-quarters and an inch.
Monday, showers are likely and thunderstorms are possible throughout the day. The high temperature is expected to be about 88. It will be breezy, with a southwest wind of around 17 mph with gusts as high as 26 mph. The chance of rain is 90%.
Tuesday is projected to be mostly sunny, with a high near 92 degrees and breezy. But there is a 70% chance of rain including showers and thunderstorms throughout the day.
Gov. Ron DeSantis Friday activated the state's Emergency Operations Center in Tallahassee, as well as the Florida National Guard and Florida State Guard ahead of the Gulf weather system predicted for Florida that could become Tropical Storm Debby.
The governor declared a state of emergency for the majority of Florida — including Duval, Baker, Clay, Flagler, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns counties — allowing state officials "to make critical resources available to communities ahead of any potential areas that the storm may impact," the Governor's Office said.
The Duval County Emergency Operations Center has partially activated to ensure continued coordination of storm preparation, response and stakeholders, the city said Saturday afternoon."This allows us to bring together key agencies and personnel to streamline communication, ensure rapid deployment of resources and address any needs quickly."
First responder response teams are on standby, and the Public Works Department continues to clear drainage systems in low-lying areas. The Fire and Rescue Department, Sheriff’s Office, JEA and Public Works also stand ready to mobilize and respond as needed as the tropical system approaches, the city said.
Currently there are not any planned evacuation orders, shelter openings or schedule changes for city of Jacksonville offices, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority or Duval County Public Schools.They will continue to monitor the storm forecast and provide updates to the public.
Saturday, St. Johns County issued a local state of emergency effective at 8 a.m.
The county said it will provide free sandbags at the auxiliary parking lot of the Solomon Calhoun Community Center, located at 1300 Duval St., St. Augustine, from 8 a.m. to noon Sunday. The sand and bags will be provided free of charge. The public must provide their own transportation and shovels and will be responsible for filling their own bags. There is a maximum allocation of 20 bags per person. A sandbag typically weighs about 30 pounds.
The NHC expects that Tropical Depression Four will become Tropical Storm Debby later today, and continue strengthening in the eastern Gulf of Mexico through the weekend.
How much the storm strengthens will depend on how long it spends over the Gulf of Mexico's warm waters.
While it's not currently expected to strengthen into a hurricane, the chance isn't completely off the table. If Tropical Depression Four stalls offshore, it could rapidly intensify and become a strong tropical storm or a hurricane.
"It is possible if the feature bumps along the Florida Peninsula's west coast and interacts with the land, strengthening may be limited," AccuWeather Lead Hurricane Expert Alex DaSilva said. "A quick landfall over the southwest part of the Florida Peninsula would tend to really limit the time spent over the Gulf and limit the strengthening process.
The storm's new path leads it down DaSilva's second scenario.
"However, if the feature stays more offshore until Sunday evening or night and moves in along the upper Gulf coast of Florida, it may have time to quickly ramp up and become a strong tropical storm or hurricane before pushing inland over northern Florida," DaSilva warned.
A hurricane watch is in effect for:
A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible within the watch area. A watch is typically issued 48 hours before the anticipated first occurrence of tropical-storm-force winds, conditions that make outside preparations difficult or dangerous.
A tropical storm warning is in effect for:
A tropical storm warning means that tropical storm conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area within 36 hours.
A tropical storm watch is in effect for:
A tropical storm watch means that tropical storm conditions are possible within the watch area, generally within 48 hours.
A storm surge watch is in effect for:
A storm surge watch means there is a possibility of life-threatening inundation, from rising water moving inland from the coastline, in the indicated locations during the next 48 hours.
WINDS: Hurricane conditions are possible in the hurricane watch area by Sunday night, with tropical storm conditions possible earlier on Sunday. Tropical storm conditions are expected to spread northward over the warning areas beginning later today and continuing through Sunday. Tropical storm conditions are possible in the watch area in the Florida Keys later today or tonight and in the Florida Panhandle by late Sunday.
STORM SURGE: The combination of storm surge and tide will cause normally dry areas near the coast to be flooded by rising waters moving inland from the shoreline. The water could reach the following heights above ground somewhere in the indicated areas if the peak surge occurs at the time of high tide:
RAINFALL: Tropical Depression Four is expected to produce rainfall totals of 5 to 10 inches, with maximum rainfall totals up to 15 inches, across portions of Florida and along the Southeast U.S. coast this weekend through Thursday morning. This rainfall may result in areas of locally considerable flash and urban flooding, with isolated river flooding possible.
For Cuba, rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches, with localized higher amounts, will be possible through today. This may result in isolated to scattered areas of flooding.
TORNADOES: A tornado or two is possible across the Florida Keys and the western Florida Peninsula tonight through Sunday morning.
SURF: Swells generated by the depression are expected to affect much of the Gulf coast of Florida tonight through Monday and along the Southeast U.S. coast early next week. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from your local weather office.
St. Augustine has some of the most pristine beaches in the U.S, as well as a range of unique historical attractions such as the Fountain of Youth, the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse and Castillo de San Marcos fort. Here are 12 favorites that locals love. St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime MuseumMuseumSt. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum was constructed in 1565 as a watchtower built by the settling founder, Pedro Men...
St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum was constructed in 1565 as a watchtower built by the settling founder, Pedro Menéndez. Since that time, the lighthouse has been rebuilt and additions have been made. Today it is a stunning black-and-white spiral structure with a red top that towers 165 feet above the ground. Over 200 steps lead visitors to a tip-top observation deck that affords fantastic views of the area. Maritime exhibits tell the story of the lighthouse’s history both in the lighthouse and the keeper’s house. Recommended by Audra Clemons
Located near historic downtown St. Augustine, Anastasia State Park is an oasis of natural beauty and home to miles of unspoiled beaches, wildlife, campgrounds and picnic grounds. For those who’ve always wanted to try paddle boarding, head over and rent one at the watersports vendor within the park. Kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing rentals are also available. While there, take a walk along the beach and look out for the unique seashells the area is known for.
Church, Architectural Landmark
Imagine soaring through the sky in an open cockpit biplane, allowing you to see all of St. Augustine’s most famous sights from the sky. St. Augustine Biplane Rides are offered in a WACO Biplane, an authentic replica of the original 1935 model. The tour transports guests over the Bridge of Lions, Flagler College, the Lighthouse on Anastasia Island, the Castillo de San Marcos and much more. They offer a variety of different tours, including a sunset one, and tours run year round.
The Fountain of Youth Discovery Park marks the spot where the Spanish explorers Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and Ponce de León came ashore. Archaeological digs are on-going, and discoveries at the site include a springhouse, landmark cross, saltcellar and artifacts remaining from an ancient Native American village. Period reenactments, a large gift shop and planetarium also occupy the 15-acre area that memorializes the people who occupied the land so many years ago. Recommended by Audra Clemons
Archaeological site, Park
Castillo de San Marcos is a remarkable 17th-century fort built to protect the Spanish settlement in St. Augustine. The fortress is the oldest masonry fort in the United States. Boasting walls 12-feet thick and 33-feet high, a moat and a drawbridge, the edifice has never fallen to an enemy during attack and ended all wars in treaties. Made a National Park monument by former President Calvin Coolidge, the castle feature reenactments, complete with musket and cannon firings most weekends and holidays.
Church, Architectural Landmark
Walking tour stop at 4 or more of the city’s most unique pubs and are a fun and refreshing way to learn about the history and traditions of taverns in St. Augustine. Places offer a variety of choices, including premium beers, ales, sangria, and wines. You’ll be on your feet, so wear comfortable shoes and make reservations early as spaces are limited.
Church, Architectural Landmark
For those curious about the paranormal, hop onto the Ghosts and Gravestones Tour. This frightfully entertaining tour explores the most haunted places in St. Augustine including the Old Jail and the St. Augustine Lighthouse grounds. The Ghost Hosts leading the tours will share true accounts of tragedy and mystery surrounding the Nation’s Oldest City and it’s dearly departed.
Lightner Museum Say “I do” in the historic Lightner Museum in St. Augustine—Florida’s oldest city. Formerly the Alcazar Hotel built in 1888 by Henry Flagler, the museum houses collections from Tiffany jewels to 19th century decorative art, and makes a grand setting for a memorable wedding. Both indoor and outdoor spaces are available, like the Historic Pool, Grand Lobby, and Outdoor Courtyards, able to accommodate from 50 to 350 wedding guests
Forest, Park
Steeped in history, the Fort Matanzas National Monument is a fun and educational outing for everyone. Originally a Spanish watchtower built over 270 years ago, the view from the top is worth the long climb up. Accessed via a ferry ride across the river, stop off at the visitors center on arrival to collect your free boarding passes. Various activities are offered at the fort and in the surrounding park including tours, ranger talks and a ½ mile nature trail that winds around through the maritime forest. Fishing is also available on the river shore.
Old Town Trolley Tours is the best way to see the city of St. Augustine in a short period of time. The tour highlights the best attractions in St. Augustine, with 23 stops and more than 100 points of interest. Old Town Trolley Tours has been operating for over 30 years, bringing the best of the city to life through a unique blend of transportation and entertainment.
Historical Landmark, Architectural Landmark
Tours of Flagler College give a look at the former Hotel Ponce de León, established in 1887 by railroad and oil magnate Henry Flagler. The National Historic Landmark is an outstanding model of Spanish Renaissance architecture. The tour through the college is an educational glimpse into the past of an exclusive, luxury resort. Tourists are able to see the Dining Hall, with its stained glass windows, the Flagler Room, which is home to one of the first publicly-used onyx Thomas Edison clocks, and the Rotunda – host to an exquisite 80-foot domed ceiling. Purchase tickets at the main lobby of the college 15 minutes before each tour. Recommended by Audra Clemons
Building, Museum
After years of meticulous renovation, the Villa Zorayda Museum opened to the public, showcasing an impressive example of Moorish Spanish-revival architecture. Constructed in 1883 by Franklin Smith, an architect from Boston, the building was originally called the Zorayda Castle. Smith built the residence as a winter home and designed it to be reminiscent of the Alhambra Palace in Grenada, Spain. His style of architecture, including the use of coquina shells mixed with poured concrete, had a powerful impact on the later buildings constructed in St. Augustine as well. Recommended by Audra Clemons
Even in a city known for sticking to its historic roots, St. Augustine’s leadership knows when it’s time to do a little refurbishing. ¶ Prompted by the feeling that one of its main thoroughfares just doesn’t live up to the city’s reputation as being rather picturesque, the City of St. Augustine is about to embark on an $18 million project to revitalize King Street. ¶ The street is what guides many visitors into the heart of St. Augustine — either at the west end from U.S. 1 or the east end over the Bri...
Even in a city known for sticking to its historic roots, St. Augustine’s leadership knows when it’s time to do a little refurbishing. ¶ Prompted by the feeling that one of its main thoroughfares just doesn’t live up to the city’s reputation as being rather picturesque, the City of St. Augustine is about to embark on an $18 million project to revitalize King Street. ¶ The street is what guides many visitors into the heart of St. Augustine — either at the west end from U.S. 1 or the east end over the Bridge of Lions. ¶
It would probably be a stretch to call the project an overhaul because there’s only so much that can be changed due to existing buildings. But it's definitely going to be different.
Landscape architect Jeremy Marquis of Marquis Latimer + Halback, who is working with the city on design, said the goal is to improve the main entrance into St. Augustine without fundamentally changing the road.
“It’s how do you optimize the limited right of way,” he said. “It’s only worth doing this if the traffic flow is just as important as is it beautiful, as it is historically appropriate. It has to function.”
How they got here
Before the city could plan any significant changes on King Street, it had to work with the Florida Department of Transportation.
Because King Street was technically a state road, FDOT was in control of what was done on it.
But about six years ago, city leaders went to the state and asked for and received control — and responsibility — for King Street from the U.S. 1 intersection to the Bridge of Lions.
It means more maintenance costs for the city but increased decision-making power over how the road will look and function. (The current improvement project is being performed with state money, however.)
That allows St. Augustine to focus on what is important to its residents and business owners.
The city leadership has decided its guiding principles for the King Street improvement project are livability, history and beauty.
Mayor Nancy Sikes-Kline said the corridor is the main entrance to the city, so it should be as impressive all the way down to the area around the Plaza de la Constitución.
“I don’t know that those (principles) would actually be at the top of the list if it was the DOT doing the job,” Sikes-Kline said.
"They don’t get to do the creative solutions that we will do at the local level.”
Beautification efforts will include adding some trees, moving utilities underground, improving lighting, enhancing sidewalks and possibly more.
The city is touting the proposed new look as “The Best Mile in Florida.”
Sikes-Kline said that will be a major boost to the city.
“It’s important that we continue to have a beautiful corridor,” she said. “It’s got to work technically as well. But first and foremost we want it to be beautiful.
“It will be an absolute jewel.”
Making a better first impression for visitors — as well as making the views pleasant for locals — is important to Sikes-Kline and others. She said it's the main reason the city purchased and tore down a car wash that used to be located right at the King Street-U.S. 1 intersection.
"It's about creating that excitement coming into the city," she said.
Assistant City Manager Reuben Franklin, who has been part of the project since it was merely a hope, said the best thing about the King Street corridor is that the street is pretty much the only lackluster aspect.
“The buildings and things that make cities great are already there,” he said. “We’re just complementing what’s there today.”
While there will be some hassles associated with the construction, businesses will have the benefit of a better-looking entrance corridor and more appealing and safer pedestrian walkways.
Charles Cox, who owns San Sebastian Winery at the corner of King and Malaga streets, said he hasn't looked at a lot of the specifics of the proposed improvements. But he's confident whatever happens will only make the area more attractive to his customers.
"Any time you take what’s there and think about it a little more and add landscaping and some concepts that are much more attractive when people are either driving or walking down the street ... when I’ve seen that done in other areas, it’s always been an improvement," Cox said.
"I think the little bit of disruption that it does cause will be worth it in the long run."
The experience
Part of the experience of visiting or living in St. Augustine is being on the roads.
As both the number of nearby residents and visitors has increased substantially in the last two decades, driving has become suboptimal.
But there are few options to divert traffic away from King Street.
What planners can do is make it more efficient and more pleasant.
That includes synchronizing the traffic signals to induce a more consistent flow and making the corridor more pleasing to the eye.
“It’s how do you make sure that you have better traffic flow than you have today but it’s still feeling iconically, beautifully St. Augustine,” Marquis said.
The project will also include Cathedral Place, which runs one way west for two blocks as King Street transitions to one way east at the Cordova Street intersection.
Also incorporated into the new look will be the seawall project on Avenida Menendez and the redesign of the westside Bridge of Lions intersection (if ultimately approved).
There are a couple of options there, including the possibility of making Cathedral one lane with wider sidewalks — at the expense of a few on-street parking spaces.
That’s one of the things that commissioners will ultimately have to prioritize when they make the final decision on the project.
The city plans to build a garage on the Broudy property on West King at the intersection with U.S. 1. That currently is the site of an old liquor store and quite a bit of empty space, but the city entered into an agreement to build a parking garage that will have 500 to 750 spaces.
Sikes-Kline acknowledged that parking is important, but the project is also about the city’s continued effort to place less reliance on personal vehicles in the city center.
“We want people to get out of their cars and walk,” Sikes-Kline said. “They don’t want to do it if it’s not an interesting walk, and they don’t want to do it if it’s a hot walk. So lots of shade trees, enhanced lighting and underground utilities.”
Where the project stands
With so much planned for St. Augustine, including the replacement of the San Sebastian River bridge in 2025, reworking King Street might seem overly ambitious.
However, Franklin pointed out that things won’t get started until other projects are finished.
Since it is a city endeavor, local leaders have control over when the work begins. Franklin anticipates work to start in late 2028 or early ‘29.
The general concept has gone through the preliminary approval process, and city commissioners are tentatively scheduled to review the project at the July 22 meeting.
“It’s going to make the most impact of any project we have going on right now,” Sikes-Kline said.
Overview of improvements
For pedestrians
Improved sidewalks and shade from trees will create a better pedestrian experience for residents and visitors alike.
Expanded sidewalks; 8-11 feet on each side
Street trees; typically cabbage palms (Florida state tree)
Pedestrian scale lighting with vehicular scale lighting at intersections.
Mid-block crossings provide safe opportunities to cross.
For drivers
Vehicular modifications are focused and “surgical” in nature. The intent is to support smoother movement of vehicular traffic. Traffic engineers have modeled both concepts to validate that traffic volume is maintained or even improved from today’s conditions.
Lanes are consistently 10-11 feet in width.
Improved drainage is included throughout.
Defined center turn lane in brick.
For bicyclists
Bicycles will also benefit from the incorporation of sharrows and the better defined travel lanes.
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