Cuando piensas en el sueño americano, ¿qué te viene a la mente? Para muchos ciudadanos, significa la libertad de mantener a su familia mediante el trabajo duro, la dedicación y las buenas obras. Para otros, significa tener una carrera confiable y suficiente seguridad financiera para comprar una casa modesta y tal vez incluso una cerca blanca. Sin embargo, en los tiempos modernos, es más difícil que nunca alcanzar el Sueño Americano, y eso es para las personas que nacen en nuestra gran nación. Para los hombres y mujeres que llegan a los EE. UU. desde otro país, a menudo parece imposible. Se trata de personas buenas y trabajadoras que simplemente quieren tener la oportunidad de mantener a sus familias y adoptar el estilo estadounidense.
Desafortunadamente, atravesar el sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos rara vez es sencillo o sencillo. Muchos casos de inmigración enfrentan obstáculos y dificultades que requieren asistencia legal experta para lograr resultados favorables. Puede resultar complicado descubrir cómo organizar adecuadamente los materiales de solicitud o discernir las opciones disponibles para usted. Afortunadamente, los abogados de inmigración en Sanford, FL, pueden ayudarlo a evitar los errores comunes que muchos cometen y ayudarlo a obtener acceso a los beneficios de inmigración que merece. Todo comienza con una conferencia individual con los abogados de inmigración de Central Florida.
Los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central poseen un amplio conocimiento y una comprensión integral del sistema de inmigración de los EE. UU., derivados de décadas de experiencia legal especializada. Priorizamos tratar a nuestros clientes como socios, con el objetivo principal de ayudar a resolver cualquier desafío relacionado con la inmigración.
Nuestra abogada principal, Charlene Seda, se desempeñó anteriormente como jueza de servicios de inmigración en USCIS, y el abogado Alejandro Salgado tiene una amplia experiencia como abogado penalista. Esta experiencia combinada le da a nuestra firma de abogados un punto de vista distintivo en todas las facetas del sistema de inmigración, lo que nos permite apoyar mejor a nuestros clientes. En conjunto, nuestro equipo legal tiene más de 20 años de experiencia combinada y sigue dedicado a ofrecer la asistencia capacitada y empática que necesita.
Los clientes recomiendan a sus amigos y familiares a nuestros abogados de inmigración en Sanford, FL, porque proporcionamos:
La abogada Charlene Seda y el abogado Alejandro Seda tienen más de 20 años de experiencia combinada. Ambos son graduados de la prestigiosa Universidad Católica de Ponce, Puerto Rico y ambos recibieron títulos de maestría de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Miami.
La abogada Charlene Seda trabajó anteriormente en USCIS, el Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. Ella conoce el sistema desde adentro y sabe lo que debe hacer para que su caso de inmigración tenga éxito.
Nuestros abogados de inmigración se esfuerzan por ser accesibles para nuestros clientes. Queremos asegurarnos de hacer un seguimiento y compartir el estado de su caso para que todos estemos en el mismo camino.
Puede confiar en nosotros desde el momento en que ingresa a nuestra oficina. Le informaremos exactamente lo que podemos y no podemos hacer por su caso. Queremos establecer expectativas claras desde el primer día.
Cuando contrata nuestra firma, obtiene acceso a décadas de experiencia profesional. Estamos listos para ayudarlo como su aliado y asesor en cada etapa de su viaje de inmigración. Nuestro equipo puede ayudarlo a obtener estatus legal a través de varios procesos de solicitud, explorar visas de doble intención, ayudarlo a prepararse para la naturalización y defender sus derechos si enfrenta un proceso de deportación. Con un amplio conocimiento de todos los aspectos del sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos, podemos guiarlo en la identificación de los caminos más factibles para residir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos de América.
A diferencia de algunos abogados de inmigración, nuestra firma está verdaderamente dedicada a ayudarlo a alcanzar el Sueño Americano. Junto con nuestros socios, ayudamos a hombres y mujeres "crédito invisible" a obtener el financiamiento que necesitan para contratar abogados de inmigración en Sanford, FL. Estos préstamos cubren tanto los honorarios de presentación del gobierno como los honorarios de su abogado de inmigración. Al hacerlo, ayudamos a los clientes a establecer perfiles crediticios que les ayuden a acceder al crédito en el futuro mientras toman los pasos necesarios en el camino hacia la ciudadanía plena.
Al final del día, nuestro objetivo es utilizar todas las vías legales disponibles para ayudarlo a construir una vida mejor para su familia. Cuando trabaja con nuestros abogados de inmigración, puede estar tranquilo sabiendo que siempre seremos claros sobre lo que implica cada estrategia de inmigración, así como los riesgos, costos y cronogramas involucrados. Nuestros abogados también serán francos y honestos sobre lo que podemos y no podemos hacer. Creemos que la transparencia es fundamental para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones informadas, razón por la cual siempre lo mantenemos al tanto de las actualizaciones relacionadas con su caso.
Nuestros abogados de inmigración se enfocan en brindar representación legal experta para una variedad de necesidades de inmigración, incluyendo:
Ya sea que necesite reunir a su familia en los EE. UU., establecer un empleo permanente o protegerse contra la deportación, el resultado de su caso de inmigración afectará en gran medida su futuro. Nuestros abogados de inmigración reconocen la importancia de su situación y harán todo lo posible para lograr un resultado positivo en su caso. En lugar de alardear y alardear, en los Abogados de Inmigración de Florida Central, dejamos que nuestro historial hable por sí mismo. Le animamos a revisar los testimonios de nuestra firma para obtener más información sobre cómo hemos tenido un impacto directo y positivo en la vida de nuestros clientes. Nuestros clientes confían en nosotros para ayudarles a alcanzar sus sueños americanos. También estamos listos para ayudarlo a convertir sus sueños en realidad.
Si necesita beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses, siempre es mejor trabajar con un abogado de inmigración calificado. Tratar de superar los obstáculos de la ley de inmigración por su cuenta es como pilotar un avión sin ninguna experiencia. Puede parecer más fácil intervenir sin ninguna orientación, pero hacerlo puede ser más perjudicial para sus objetivos que contratar a un gran abogado. Si se pregunta si necesita o no un abogado de inmigración, tenga en cuenta estos beneficios comunes.
Tratar de entender los trámites legales ya es bastante difícil, incluso cuando uno nace en los EE. UU. Para los hablantes no nativos de inglés, entender los trámites de inmigración es aún más difícil. Completar los formularios y reunir los documentos de respaldo necesarios puede resultar bastante abrumador y desconcertante. Los abogados de inmigración experimentados conocen bien los procedimientos correctos para completar estos formularios. No completar estos formularios con precisión puede provocar retrasos importantes en la aprobación de sus beneficios de inmigración y puede generar tarifas de presentación adicionales.
Hay varias formas de obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense y, si está solo, es posible que no conozca todas las opciones. Aquí es donde un abogado de inmigración puede intervenir para ayudar. Pueden presentar diferentes caminos, explicar las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno y asegurarse de que comprenda plenamente las implicaciones de su elección en su viaje hacia la ciudadanía.
Los abogados de inmigración están equipados para ayudarlo a obtener la autorización necesaria para trabajar en los EE. UU. Un abogado calificado está familiarizado con la información precisa que debe proporcionar para obtener la autorización de trabajo y garantizar el buen progreso de su solicitud. Sin un experto legal, los errores en el proceso pueden provocar retrasos importantes.
Si está buscando convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense, es probable que sea la primera vez que lo intenta. Afortunadamente, cuando obtiene asesoramiento de una firma acreditada como Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, puede dormir un poco más tranquilo sabiendo que tienen años de experiencia ayudando a personas como usted. Su abogado de inmigración debe estar familiarizado con los diversos escenarios y vías hacia el beneficio de inmigración que busca. Esto será una ventaja para usted, ya que tienen la experiencia para identificar la documentación necesaria, recomendar las opciones más adecuadas y brindarle orientación sobre qué anticipar durante todo el proceso.
Recuerde que el gobierno puede considerarlo inadmisible por diversos motivos, como problemas financieros no resueltos, actividad delictiva o proporcionar información falsa. Si te consideran inadmisible, no tiene por qué ser el final del camino. Existen métodos para impugnar esta sentencia. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a presentar un caso convincente. Aunque no hay garantía de que el tribunal de inmigración revoque la decisión, tener un abogado experimentado a su lado sin duda mejorará sus posibilidades.
Encontrar el bufete de abogados de inmigración adecuado puede parecer un poco como buscar una aguja en un pajar. Esto es cierto en todos los estados, pero especialmente en Florida, donde los inmigrantes representan aproximadamente el 21% de la población, según el Consejo Estadounidense de Inmigración. Entonces, ¿cómo encontrar a los mejores abogados de inmigración en su estado? A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos que hemos recopilado para ayudarle a facilitar su búsqueda.
Mientras sus asuntos de inmigración están en progreso, es importante mantenerse informado sobre el estado de su caso, cualquier desafío que pueda surgir y qué acciones podría necesitar tomar. Por eso es crucial trabajar con abogados de inmigración que valoren la comunicación proactiva. Puede preguntarle a su abogado sobre sus habilidades de comunicación y con qué frecuencia se comunican con usted, pero tome esa respuesta con cautela. También es útil consultar reseñas y leer lo que antiguos clientes tienen que decir sobre su capacidad de respuesta. No se conforme con un abogado que no lo mantenga actualizado.
Este consejo se suma a nuestro primer punto porque implica comunicación. Si tiene preguntas sobre su caso o cualquier otra faceta de su estatus migratorio, su abogado debe estar disponible para responder esas preguntas y brindarle tranquilidad cuando sea necesario. No siempre es realista esperar que un abogado pueda responder a su llamada de inmediato, pero es razonable anticipar que su abogado le responderá dentro de unos días. Si un abogado tiene un historial de no devolver llamadas de clientes anteriores (lo que puede descubrir, por ejemplo, en las revisiones de los clientes), entonces tenga cuidado al trabajar con ese abogado y siga buscando otro.
Si un abogado alguna vez ha sido criticado públicamente o sus antiguos clientes han presentado quejas formales en su contra, el colegio de abogados del estado mantendrá registros de estos incidentes. Si está pensando en contratar a un abogado para un asunto de inmigración importante, es una buena idea ver cuál es su reputación ante el colegio de abogados estatal. De esa manera, puede verificar la experiencia del abogado de inmigración y también potencialmente tomar conocimiento de cualquier problema profesional que el abogado haya tenido en el pasado.
La ley de inmigración puede ser bastante compleja y los procedimientos asociados con tales asuntos pueden ser igualmente intrincados. Por eso es tan importante trabajar con un abogado de inmigración que tenga experiencia en el manejo de diferentes tipos de casos de inmigración o, al menos, mucha experiencia trabajando en casos como el suyo. Puede evaluar la experiencia de un abogado en casos de inmigración consultando primero su sitio web. Si esa información no está disponible, no dude en comunicarse directamente con el abogado para preguntarle sobre su experiencia en el manejo de casos similares al suyo. No olvides consultar las reseñas en línea.
Cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, debe tener confianza en su abogado de inmigración, confiar en que será honesto acerca de su caso y brindarle asesoramiento directo sobre sus opciones cuando se enfrente a obstáculos. Puede tener una idea de la integridad y veracidad de un abogado de inmigración reuniéndose con él para una consulta inicial y leyendo los testimonios de sus clientes para conocer su honestidad. Si no se siente del todo cómodo con un abogado de inmigración después de esta reunión, es mejor buscar en otra parte.
Incluso si habla inglés con fluidez, es importante contar con un abogado de inmigración que pueda brindar servicios en varios idiomas. Esto es especialmente crucial si sus asuntos de inmigración involucran a familiares, colegas u otras personas que tienen un dominio limitado del inglés. Si el idioma puede ser un problema para usted o para alguien más involucrado en su caso de inmigración, asegúrese de que el abogado que le interesa ofrezca servicios en su idioma nativo o preferido. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer servicios legales tanto en inglés como en español.
Si es nuevo en este país, intentar comprender las leyes de inmigración es abrumador. Pero con la orientación y preparación adecuadas, los objetivos de inmigración de su familia están a su alcance. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, ayudamos a los clientes a lograr el éxito y la tranquilidad a través de años de experiencia combinada, honestidad, comunicación, orientación profesional y estrategias innovadoras de leyes de inmigración. Comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos ayudarlo cuando más lo necesita.
¿Se pregunta si hay alguna señal de alerta que deba tener en cuenta al elegir abogados de inmigración en Sanford, FL? La respuesta simple a esa pregunta es sí. Si tiene un mal presentimiento o nota alguna de las siguientes señales de alerta, tenga cuidado.
Los abogados que intentan acercarse a usted en una oficina que ofrece Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos a menudo brindan servicios legales mediocres. Los grandes abogados de inmigración no tendrán tiempo para pasar el rato en una oficina de USCIS todo el día porque están ocupados atendiendo a sus clientes.
Tenga cuidado con las personas que se presentan como "consultores de visas", "notarios" o "preparadores de peticiones", ya que no son lo mismo que abogados autorizados. A menudo, simplemente ayudan a completar formularios, pero carecen de una comprensión genuina de sus circunstancias legales. Existe la posibilidad de que completen los formularios incorrectamente o incluso se escapen con su dinero sin brindarle ningún servicio.
Tenga mucho cuidado con los abogados que le brindan consejos poco éticos o incluso ilegales. Por ejemplo, tenga cuidado con los abogados que le aconsejan mentir en un formulario de inmigración, engañar a un funcionario del USCIS o intentar sobornar a una autoridad de inmigración. Si lo atrapan, podría resultar en una exclusión permanente de los beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses.
En los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central, tenemos años de experiencia combinada representando exitosamente a clientes en una variedad de casos de inmigración. Estamos dedicados a brindar servicios legales confiables y transparentes, ya sea que necesite ayuda con una solicitud de inmigración básica o un litigio por un asunto federal extremadamente complicado.
A diferencia de algunas firmas de abogados de inmigración, combinamos tecnología de punta con un servicio tradicional personalizado para brindar a nuestros clientes un asesoramiento sólido y eficaz. Puede contar con que su caso avance lo más rápido posible mientras tiene la confianza de que nuestros abogados de inmigración en el estado y la ciudad responderán a sus preguntas de manera honesta, clara y eficiente. Para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios de defensa de inmigración, ciudadanía y deportación, programe su consulta inicial hoy.
During football season, your significant other may be married to the television for both NFL and college football games. So, if you need a new game plan with more date night fantasies and less fantasy football, we recommend these best places to watch football in Orlando.Best Orlando Sports Bars for Football Lovers7335 W Sand Lake Rd #101, Orlando, FL 32819Since football is America’s most beloved sport, it seems fitting to watch games at this restaurant since its tagline is: “This is your pl...
During football season, your significant other may be married to the television for both NFL and college football games. So, if you need a new game plan with more date night fantasies and less fantasy football, we recommend these best places to watch football in Orlando.
7335 W Sand Lake Rd #101, Orlando, FL 32819
Since football is America’s most beloved sport, it seems fitting to watch games at this restaurant since its tagline is: “This is your place. This is American social.” Coinciding with Monday Night Football, America Social kicks off the work week with ‘Burgers, Bourbons & Beats.’ Try the Horseradish Cheddar Burger, which is two quarter-pound patties, topped with horseradish cheddar sauce, pickled peppers, lettuce, sharp cheddar and potato sticks.
Sweeten the deal with an interesting pour of a PB&J Old Fashioned, a blend of Maker’s Mark, Skrewball peanut butter, strawberry preserves, black walnut bitters and garnished with a mini PB&J. Of course, there’s no shortage of televisions, so you can cheer on your team as your cheers with your bourbon (or other beverage of choice).
4380 Carraway Pl, Sanford, FL 32771
When pulling into the parking lot of Cabana Live you may not realize what's in store. This waterfront restaurant is located inside the Port of Sanford Marina near I-4 and the Central Florida Zoo. This place has everything you need for a perfect day of watching football.
The large bar faces multiple TVs, as well as seating that faces the pool – yes, a pool! A small, but lovely pool welcomes everyone to cool off without missing the game. There are outdoor TVs including a massive multi-panel TV facing the pool that can act as one large display or four individual displays.
Plenty of tables inside and outside give you the option to still see the big games and choose the vibe that's right for you. There is a weekend brunch menu as well as specials each weekday including happy hour Modnay – Thursday, Taco Tuesday, Kids Eat Free on Wednesdays, and more!
1486 East Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista FL 32830
City Works offers 90 local and global crafts on draft highlighting local brewers, American fare with chef-driven twists, upbeat vibes, and best-in-class service. It is a unique marriage of the ultimate sports bar and a delightful restaurant.
28 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801
This logo and mascot of this restaurant is a well-dressed duck, but fans of a different water-lovin’ animal tend to flock here. Yup, supporters of the Miami Dolphins make waves at Dapper Duck. As fancy as the dapper namesake may be, expect casual American-style menu items, including typical tailgating favorites and more.
If you prefer to share liquor rather than a bucket of beers with your team of dining comrades, collectively order the Big Duck Drink, which is described as a giant shareable cocktail – Moscow mule, vodka red bull or vodka lemonade ─ topped with a mini rubber duck. Quack-tastic!
6001 Destination Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32819
If you find yourself on International Drive then consider making a break for FastBreak. Located at Hilton Orlando there is indoor and outdoor seating with plenty of TVs to watch football and other sports.
Multiple locations including Lake Mary & Winter Park
The logo of Friendly Confines features a baseball but football fans (especially Chiefs) can have a ball here during season and beyond. Fanatics may be thrilled to know that this restaurant also sells sports memorabilia with authenticated signatures.
In fact, the interior is decked out in ‘Confines Collectibles.’ Nosh on game day wings or one of Confines huge sandwiches, such as a BLT, French dip, Italian beef or Reuben.
Multiple locations including Baldwin Park, Hunter's Creek, Lake Mary, Orlando, Lake Nona, Oviedo, & Winter Springs
This large franchised tavern offers a crowd-pleasing experience with all football essentials: huge TVs, cold beers and a diverse menu, including gluten-free selections. For Monday Night Football, NFL viewers can feast on ‘All You Can Eat’ wings from 6-10 pm. Placing bets on the game? Maybe the loser (or winner – depending on your bravery) has to eat an order of Gator Tail!
516 Virginia Dr, Orlando, FL 32803
This small place is a big hit with Dolphins’ fans. Hideaway claims to be “Your Neighborhood Sports Bar and Home of the DolFan Club of Orlando.” And we give this place extra points for offering deep fried jalapeno slices. Um, flavor touchdown! Expect a few giggles as you read through the football themed menu (i.e. The Hot Marino Sub).
1235 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32804
You know what goes great with college football? Bloody Mary’s! Seriously… I can’t be the only one who thinks so. For Sunday brunch, a herd of football fans can be found at The Hammered Lamb across from Lake Ivanhoe. Their Bloody Mary toppings often include peppers, hot sauces galore, and all the fixings your football lovin’ heart desires.
The Hammered Lamb doesn’t have as many television screens as other sports establishments so be sure to request a table with optimal game viewing.
25 Wall St, Suite A, Orlando, FL 32801
The corner of Wall Street Plaza that now houses Hooch was previously the center of Florida’s largest moonshine operation (back in the 1920s). Hooch also happens to be the new football bar for the Central Florida Packer Backer club.
And because the Wall Street Plaza hosts a Sunday Funday Block Party, the tailgate drinking games are in full force. Bring on the jenga, cornhole and giant beer pong.
8101 World Center Dr, Orlando, FL 32821
This new sports experience bar and restaurant is not your typical sports bar. Set inside the beautiful Caribe Royale resort near Walt Disney World, Stadium Club offers large screens in a stadium setting with an upscale bar in the middle, seating around the perimeter, and private game bays. These private bays are available to reserve in 1 hour blocks with personalized service and a high-tech simulator that allows you to play golf, soccer, hockey, and other sports plus fun carnival-style games.
8050 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
Tom’s Watch Bar is perched above International Drive, with 360-degree sports viewing experience and world-class rooftop views. The big draw is the giant stadium screens or the 150+ TVs lining the restaurant and bar. Take in amazing views of the Orlando skyline thanks to the two-story venue’s prime rooftop location, all while enjoying chef-inspired delicious dishes and drinks.
Fans can cheer and jeer while enjoying beverage and dining options meticulously designed to elevate the traditional sports bar experience, featuring a wide variety of specialty cocktails and an extensive selection of craft beers.
Multiple locations including Lake Mary & Orlando
Don’t let the ‘golf’ namesake sack your game day plans because this place is absolutely on par for football viewing. You may see a lot of Pittsburgh jerseys because TopGolf welcomes Steeler diehards. This “Vegas-style bar and lounge” is outfitted with tons of TVs (including a 25-foot big screen), an ample menu and drink specials to keep you well-hydrated from kickoff to the final seconds of play.
In between games, challenge yourself on an interactive football simulator as a QB or kicker. Throw to receivers all over the field and hone your precision with every release. Or split the uprights with field goal kicking in five different simulated stadiums.
BONUS IDEA – Another similar spot to play golf and watch football in Orlando is PopStroke.
4120 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806
This restaurant is part of the Orlando Public Houses family (along with Ollie’s in College Park) so you know it will satisfy both your food and your football cravings. Take a seat at an outside patio table to watch games on large screen TVs with a backdrop of Lake Jennie Jewel. Nibble on fun shareables, such as the Nacho Mama, Bacon Caramel Fries or Fried Pickles, as you sip cold ones amidst the crisp autumn air.
2601 Diamond Club Dr, Clermont, FL 34711
The View at Clermont National is where delicious food meets a vibrant bar scene with incredible views, outdoor seating, and a Top Tracer Golf Range. Enjoy mouthwatering food options while you watch your favorite sports team on TV. Enjoy handcrafted cocktails, fine wines, and local brews on tap. Families are welcomed, with kid-friendly activities, outdoor yard games, and live music on the weekends.
Related: Orlando's Best Burgers
4650 E Michigan St, Orlando, FL 32812
Stop by this neighborhood pub ─ the proud home of the Orlando Eagles Fan Club ─ on game day to watch your favorite football teams battle it out on large projection screens with outdoor viewing options. Wing Shack was voted Best Wings multiple years in a row so grab your wing-man and head to the Conway area.
Multiple locations including Downtown Orlando & Lake Buena Vista
The perfect Sunday Funday in Downtown Orlando can include football. Stroll through Lake Eola farmer’s market, stop to gaze at the ducks and turtles (before rooting for the Gators), and, then, feast on “beerunch.” Whether you’re in the mood for the Hangover Skillet, Chimay Burger or Black & Blue Flatbread, this brew-tastic eatery has over 50 craft beers on tap and 500 in the cooler to salute your favorite football team.
There is also a popular World of Beer location in Lake Buena Vista in the Palm Parkway and Daryl Carter Parkway area.
6000 W Osceola Pkwy, Kissimmee, FL 34746
The resort’s multi-level bar, which features a 37′ sports screen, boasts loads of game-worthy appetizers, hearty concoctions and plenty of beers on tap. This much-loved hub (and best kept secret) is a must-visit for sports fans.
Last week, two young physicians began their internal medicine residency training at HCA Florida Lake Monroe Hospital in Sanford, Florida, — another first for the UCF-HCA Healthcare Graduate Medical Education (GME) Consortium, which is one of the fastest-growing in Florida.Shaheera Nadeem and Sameh Madanieh and hospital leaders said they are inspired being part of a new UCF residency that is committed to innovation, education and providing patient-centered care to the community.“HCA Florida Lake Monroe Hospital is ho...
Last week, two young physicians began their internal medicine residency training at HCA Florida Lake Monroe Hospital in Sanford, Florida, — another first for the UCF-HCA Healthcare Graduate Medical Education (GME) Consortium, which is one of the fastest-growing in Florida.
Shaheera Nadeem and Sameh Madanieh and hospital leaders said they are inspired being part of a new UCF residency that is committed to innovation, education and providing patient-centered care to the community.
“HCA Florida Lake Monroe Hospital is honored and excited to partner with the UCF College of Medicine as a nationally recognized leader in medical education,” says John Gerhold, the hospital’s chief executive officer. “This program is important for our community to ensure there is pipeline of future physicians to serve the needs of our Central Florida community.”
With a new cohort of physicians who began their GME training on July 1, the UCF-HCA Healthcare partnership now has more than 620 residents and fellows training across Florida. The new residency at HCA Florida Lake Monroe Hospital is the second GME hospital partner in Central Florida. The other is at HCA Florida Osceola Hospital in partnership with the Orlando VA Medical Center in Lake Nona. This summer, the consortium also began its first Internal Medicine residency at HCA Florida Fort Walton-Destin Hospital in the Panhandle.
“I am proud of our continued efforts to start new GME training programs throughout Central and Northern Florida, particularly in medically underserved communities,” says Stephen Cico, UCF’s associate dean for graduate medical education and the consortium’s designated institutional officer. “Primary care residency programs, such as the internal medicine residency at HCA Lake Monroe, will increase access to care for residents of the region, as well as improve care.”
Physicians cannot practice medicine immediately after graduating from medical school. They must complete graduate medical education training for three to seven years depending on their specialty. Residency and fellowship programs are a key to addressing Florida’s physician shortage as the majority of doctors begin their practices where they did their GME training. The UCF-HCA consortium now has 39 accredited programs across the state in needed specialties including primary care, psychiatry, surgery, gastroenterology, obstetrics and gynecology, emergency medicine, rheumatology, geriatrics and endocrinology.
Joshua Shultz is program director of the new internal medicine residency in Sanford, Florida. “I am excited to train the next generation of internal medicine physicians and ushering in a new era of healthcare at HCA Florida Lake Monroe Hospital,” he says. “Our vision is to encourage as many of these trainees as possible to remain within the community after completing their residency, addressing the future healthcare needs of Seminole and West Volusia counties.”
Nadeem says she chose internal medicine as a specialty because “it’s the frontline of healthcare.”
“As primary care physicians we are the first stop, the ones who untangle the complex web of symptoms,” Nadeem says. “It’s not about grand gestures, it’s about the quiet victories — empowering patients with knowledge, guiding them through health challenges and being a partner in their well-being. It’s a chance to make a real difference, one patient, one story at a time.”
Nadeem and Madanieh say they were inspired by Lake Monroe’s team approach to patient care and the opportunity to have so much one-on-one training with attending physicians. Both are excited to help build an innovative GME program from the ground up.
Madanieh says he felt the inaugural program’s excitement from his first interview at the hospital.
“I felt that energy from those young leaders, our faculty members,” he says. “At the end of the interview day, I just felt like, ‘I want to be there!’ I ranked UCF/ Lake Monroe Hospital first out of 19 on my list.”
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide if a Sanford firefighter can sue for discrimination because the city cut her disability benefits after she retired due to Parkinson’s disease.“I’m seeking justice not only for me, but also for countless disabled firefighters and other disabled workers across the country who deserve to receive retirement benefits without discrimination,” Karyn Stanley, the retired firefighter, said in a text message provided to the Orlando Sentinel by one of her attorneys, Patricia Sig...
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide if a Sanford firefighter can sue for discrimination because the city cut her disability benefits after she retired due to Parkinson’s disease.
“I’m seeking justice not only for me, but also for countless disabled firefighters and other disabled workers across the country who deserve to receive retirement benefits without discrimination,” Karyn Stanley, the retired firefighter, said in a text message provided to the Orlando Sentinel by one of her attorneys, Patricia Sigman of Lake Mary.
It’s an issue that affects millions of people with disabilities who rely on benefits from previous employers, and millions of future employees who will become disabled, Stanley’s lawyers said in their petition filed in March to the Supreme Court to hear the case — known as a writ of certiorari. The high court agreed Monday to take the case.
The Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in October that Stanley could not sue Sanford under the Americans with Disabilities Act for the loss of her health insurance subsidy because she was no longer a city employee. Three other circuits around the country ruled the same way in similar lawsuits brought by former employees seeking to protect retirement benefits and claiming discrimination.
But rulings in two other circuits favored employees, stating that the ADA’s requirements are ambiguous and the law was created to protect workers.
Stanley asked the Supreme Court to settle the dispute in its next term, which begins Oct. 7. The case is Stanley v. City of Sanford, Florida.
She was hired by the city as a firefighter in February 1999 and over the years climbed the career ladder to the rank of lieutenant.
In 2016, she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. She continued working as a firefighter for two years until the disease and its accompanying physical disabilities made it impossible to continue.
DeSantis tries to hide public records about migrant flights. Court says no | Commentary
She retired in November 2018 at age 47. As part of the city’s disability retirement package, Stanley received about $1,000 a month in benefits and the city paid her health insurance premiums.
What Stanley didn’t know was that in 2003 the city changed its benefits plan for disabled retirees while undergoing budget cuts during a difficult financial year.
Under the revised plan, disabled retirees receive health insurance for two years after leaving employment with the city. After that, former employees are responsible for their own health insurance and medical costs. Sanford employees can retire with full benefits after 25 years, but Stanley had logged just 20 years.
Stanley filed her lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida in Orlando in April 2020 — eight months before her disability benefits would stop.
Her lawsuit argues that by changing the benefits plan, Sanford violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. In effect, it said, the city’s decision to trim the health insurance subsidy was discriminatory against her as a disabled retiree.
“The reduction in the city’s health insurance subsidy did not equally apply to non-disabled retirees, who instead continue to receive the city’s health insurance subsidy to age 65.” Sigman said in court documents.
Her attorneys added that the city’s “discriminatory benefits policy … expressly treats disabled retirees worse than others.”
Justices with the lower court and appeals courts disagreed and dismissed the suit, ruling she could not sue the city for discrimination because she was no longer an employee.
“Because the ADA prohibits discrimination only to those individuals who hold or desire to hold a job, we reasoned that a former employee cannot bring suit” under the ADA, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
City officials and Jessica Conner, an Orlando attorney representing Sanford, would not comment.
But in a court filing last month opposing Stanley’s petition to the U.S. Supreme Court, Conner stated that the former firefighter did not meet the full eligibility requirements for her benefits.
“Had she served 25 years, she would have received it regardless of her disability,” the filing states. “Although her reason for retiring early is indeed tragic, it did not render the denial of the subsidy to age 65 unlawful or even unfair.
“Non-disabled retirees with only 20 years of service also did not receive the subsidy to age 65, no matter how unfortunate their reasons for retiring early. In fact, [Stanley] was treated better than non-disabled retirees with the same amount of service because while they received no subsidy at all, [Stanley] received the subsidy for 24 months out of compassion for her disability.”
A city official said Tuesday that Stanley is still receiving retirement benefits from the Firefighter Pension Plan but did not provide additional details.
Stanley did not return calls for comment but responded through a text message sent by her attorney.
“I hope the court will rule that people like me don’t lose our legal protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act just because we’re retired,” Stanley said in the text message.
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For all the fabled glory and hype surrounding the idea of a great American road trip, there are practical concerns to contend with — from the stress of battling traffic to bathroom stops and breakdowns.One of Amtrak’s non-stop routes aims to satisfy the needs of snowbirds and tourists looking to save hundreds of miles of driving and the headaches of stressful, long hours on the road. The Auto Train is a direct route that runs between Sanford and Lorton, Virginia, just outside the nation’s capital. Trains leave each s...
For all the fabled glory and hype surrounding the idea of a great American road trip, there are practical concerns to contend with — from the stress of battling traffic to bathroom stops and breakdowns.
One of Amtrak’s non-stop routes aims to satisfy the needs of snowbirds and tourists looking to save hundreds of miles of driving and the headaches of stressful, long hours on the road. The Auto Train is a direct route that runs between Sanford and Lorton, Virginia, just outside the nation’s capital. Trains leave each station at 5 p.m. daily and arrive at 10 a.m. the following morning.
For this unique rail experience, the company invites passengers to hand over their vehicles to Amtrak staff for loading onto one of 34 car carriers with a combined capacity of up to 350 cars, trucks, SUVs and motorcycles. Amtrak advertises that this route saves nearly 900 miles of driving.
“You can relax and enjoy a nice dinner while having the experience of a long-distance train. You can avoid traffic and stress on the road,” said Federico Gazzolo, Amtrak’s vice president of product development and customer analytics. “There’s a social aspect. Some customers say it’s magical eating on the train in a dining car so there are other positive aspects of this experience.”
The service began in 1971 with the Auto-Train Corporation, which Amtrak acquired in 1983 and has been running ever since. With four coaches and nine sleeping cars, the Auto Train transported 27,237 riders in March, welcoming more than 200,000 guests aboard in an average fiscal year.
While snowbirds make up a large portion of this route’s customer base, other reasons for riding include vacation or visiting family and friends. Some riders pack their personal vehicle and use the train to assist in moving to a new city.
On a northbound trip to see family in Pittsburgh and friends in Ohio and North Carolina, I had the chance to ride the Auto Train in late April. Though pricing varies based on demand and chosen options, the cost for my coach ticket and car totaled $437. I was traveling during a peak time, so the train was completely full.
Here’s what my 24-hour experience was like from arriving at the Sanford station to reuniting with my car just outside of Washington, D.C.
April 24
1 p.m. A friend had cautioned me that the line of vehicles arriving at the Sanford Auto Train Station could stretch around the block, so I was sure to arrive with plenty of time to spare. Though check-in begins at 12:30 p.m. (and closes at 3 p.m.), some guests arrive even earlier. I waited for about 45 minutes and checked in at the welcome booth around 1:45 p.m.
Amtrak personnel took video of my car from every angle, documenting existing scratches before I gave the keys to them and took my carry-on luggage into the station. A food truck was set up on-site for waiting passengers, who can watch from afar as cars are loaded onto the train. We got our boarding call around 3:30 p.m., creating a flurry of activity as riders searched for the correct car to board.
5 p.m. It took some time for the main train engine to couple all of the cars together, causing our coach to lose power for about 10 minutes while the train was assembled. With all of the cars combined, the length totals nearly a mile with around 50 train cars. Shortly after 5 p.m., we were on our way, crossing over the St. Johns River and passing by the future home of the DeLand SunRail station.
6 p.m. After an hour of getting settled into my coach seat and doing some work on my laptop, it seemed like a good time to venture to the café car, which has cheeseburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches and other light bites available à la carte. The “deluxe” stromboli and a Stone IPA seemed sufficient for a light dinner.
8 p.m. The dusk hours aboard the train featured a mix of working on my laptop and dozing off for short naps. Amtrak is planning a 5G upgrade for its onboard wifi in the next several months, but in most areas, the connection worked well enough for writing and browsing. It’s worth noting that there are power outlets next to the window seat.
9:30 p.m. Though it would have been tempting to get a private sleeper car, it wasn’t in the budget for this particular trip, and I got as comfortable as I could in my coach seat as the overhead lights turned off right near Walthourville, Georgia.
April 25
7:30 a.m. After hearing an announcement that the complimentary breakfast was available in the café, I ventured a few cars over to find a spread of fruit, coffee cake, cereal, milk, orange juice and coffee. I found a seat at a table with James Jones, who had plenty of fishing stories to share and had ridden the auto train an estimated 30 times, and Tom, who was heading north for a metric century bike ride with some friends.
8:56 a.m. Once passengers were awake, an Amtrak staff member would periodically talk on the PA system to note points of interest or pertinent updates.
11:15 a.m. After the train decoupled and placed the passenger cars in their correct spots at the station, I breathed my first breath of fresh air and stretched my legs outside after more than 18 hours of being cooped up on the train. While taking the Amtrak is much preferable to flying for that many hours in a row, I did feel a little stir-crazy by the end.
12:30 p.m. I had read online that most vehicles would be unloaded from the Auto Train within about an hour, which I had serious hopes of after the train was delayed in its arrival. While it’s possible to pay an extra $95 for priority unloading, I rolled the dice and hoped my car would be among the first handful off the train.
Despite the wait, the Amtrak Auto Train proved a worthwhile experience that I would consider again. It saved wear and tear on my car, gas and hours of stress on the road, allowing me to nap or do work instead of fighting traffic. Even though cars reign supreme in Florida and most parts of the country, Amtrak aims to double its ridership by 2040, and I would certainly welcome more train trips in the future.
The service began in 1971 with the Auto-Train Corporation, which Amtrak acquired in 1983 and has been running ever since. With four coaches and nine sleeping cars, the Auto Train transported 27,237 riders in March, welcoming more than 200,000 guests aboard in an average fiscal year.
Deputies search for second Cabana Live gunmanThe Seminole County Sheriff's Office said it appears a second person also opened fire – and possibly in self-defense – during a private pool party at a Sanford event over the weekend, and detectives are hoping to talk with that person.ORLANDO, Fla. - The Seminole County Sheriff's Office said it appears a second person also opened fire – and possibly in self-defense – during a private pool party at a Sanford event over the weekend, and detect...
The Seminole County Sheriff's Office said it appears a second person also opened fire – and possibly in self-defense – during a private pool party at a Sanford event over the weekend, and detectives are hoping to talk with that person.
ORLANDO, Fla. - The Seminole County Sheriff's Office said it appears a second person also opened fire – and possibly in self-defense – during a private pool party at a Sanford event over the weekend, and detectives are hoping to talk with that person.
At least 10 people were hurt, including Houston Texans NFL player Tank Dell, in the shooting at Cabana Live shortly after midnight Sunday morning, officials said. A 16-year-old suspect, later identified as Christopher Eugene Bouie Jr., was tackled by a security guard during the shooting and arrested on several charges.
During a Monday news conference, Sheriff Dennis Lemma released surveillance video from inside the venue showing the moment the alleged shooting happened, sending crowds running in all directions. He said some 200 people attended the 21-and-older pool party.
During a press conference on Monday, Seminole County Sheriff Dennis Lemma breaks down security footage of Cabana Live shooting.
He said the video showed what appeared to be a fight, followed by the teenage suspect pulling out a gun. Moments after shots were fired, Bouie was then tackled by a "heroic" security guard, Sheriff Lemma said.
On the other side of the venue, Sheriff Lemma said there was a second set of "muzzle flashes," indicating someone else may have opened fire. Sheriff Lemma said this person appeared to have pulled out a 45-caliber handgun, possibly in self-defense.
Christopher Eugene Bouie, 16, faces several felony charges, including attempted homicide, possession of a firearm by a minor, use and display of a firearm during a felony, and firing a weapon on public property.
He said shell casings matching a 9mm, believed to be used by Bouie, and 45-caliber shell casings from the second person were found inside the venue.
VIDEO: Texans player Tank Dell caught in middle of Florida shootout
The second person has not been named as a person of interest or a suspect. However, deputies want to talk to that person to get more information on what happened.
The video also shows where Tank Dell was inside the venue during the shooting.
Sheriff Lemma said Cabana Live does host its own events. However, this specific event leased Cabana Live's facility and marketed the event as a 21-and-older pool party.
RELATED: Cabana Live shooting: 10 hurt in Florida shooting at Sanford nightclub; 16-year-old suspect arrested
He said it appears promoters for the private event did not go through the proper county permit procedures to hold the event, which has sparked potential questions and investigations from the county.
There is also a question about how a 16-year-old was able to get inside a 21-and-older pool party, let alone with a gun. Sheriff Lemma said all of those are being investigated by various law enforcement and county agencies.
Sheriff Lemma said several people were turned away from the event because they had guns. While Florida law allows those 21 and older to carry concealed weapons, Sheriff Lemma said, the venue and promoters for this event made a decision not to allow guns inside the private event.
Bouie faces several felony charges, including attempted homicide, possession of a firearm by a minor, use and display of a firearm during a felony, and firing a weapon on public property. He has an arraignment before a Seminole County judge scheduled for May 13 at 8:30 a.m.
Stay with FOX 35 for updates on this developing story.