Obtenga los beneficios de inmigración que necesita con Abogados de inmigración de Florida Central

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Abogados de inmigración in Tarpon Springs, FL

Cuando piensas en el sueño americano, ¿qué te viene a la mente? Para muchos ciudadanos, significa la libertad de mantener a su familia mediante el trabajo duro, la dedicación y las buenas obras. Para otros, significa tener una carrera confiable y suficiente seguridad financiera para comprar una casa modesta y tal vez incluso una cerca blanca. Sin embargo, en los tiempos modernos, es más difícil que nunca alcanzar el Sueño Americano, y eso es para las personas que nacen en nuestra gran nación. Para los hombres y mujeres que llegan a los EE. UU. desde otro país, a menudo parece imposible. Se trata de personas buenas y trabajadoras que simplemente quieren tener la oportunidad de mantener a sus familias y adoptar el estilo estadounidense.

Desafortunadamente, atravesar el sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos rara vez es sencillo o sencillo. Muchos casos de inmigración enfrentan obstáculos y dificultades que requieren asistencia legal experta para lograr resultados favorables. Puede resultar complicado descubrir cómo organizar adecuadamente los materiales de solicitud o discernir las opciones disponibles para usted. Afortunadamente, los abogados de inmigración en Tarpon Springs, FL, pueden ayudarlo a evitar los errores comunes que muchos cometen y ayudarlo a obtener acceso a los beneficios de inmigración que merece. Todo comienza con una conferencia individual con los abogados de inmigración de Central Florida.

Immigration Attorneys Tarpon Springs, FL

áreas de Servicios

Ayudándole a perseguir el sueño americano Un paso a la vez

Los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central poseen un amplio conocimiento y una comprensión integral del sistema de inmigración de los EE. UU., derivados de décadas de experiencia legal especializada. Priorizamos tratar a nuestros clientes como socios, con el objetivo principal de ayudar a resolver cualquier desafío relacionado con la inmigración.

Nuestra abogada principal, Charlene Seda, se desempeñó anteriormente como jueza de servicios de inmigración en USCIS, y el abogado Alejandro Salgado tiene una amplia experiencia como abogado penalista. Esta experiencia combinada le da a nuestra firma de abogados un punto de vista distintivo en todas las facetas del sistema de inmigración, lo que nos permite apoyar mejor a nuestros clientes. En conjunto, nuestro equipo legal tiene más de 20 años de experiencia combinada y sigue dedicado a ofrecer la asistencia capacitada y empática que necesita.

Los clientes recomiendan a sus amigos y familiares a nuestros abogados de inmigración en Tarpon Springs, FL, porque proporcionamos:

Dos décadas de experiencia profesional

La abogada Charlene Seda y el abogado Alejandro Seda tienen más de 20 años de experiencia combinada. Ambos son graduados de la prestigiosa Universidad Católica de Ponce, Puerto Rico y ambos recibieron títulos de maestría de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Miami.

Conocimiento del sistema

La abogada Charlene Seda trabajó anteriormente en USCIS, el Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. Ella conoce el sistema desde adentro y sabe lo que debe hacer para que su caso de inmigración tenga éxito.

Comunicación clara

Nuestros abogados de inmigración se esfuerzan por ser accesibles para nuestros clientes. Queremos asegurarnos de hacer un seguimiento y compartir el estado de su caso para que todos estemos en el mismo camino.

Expectativas transparentes

Puede confiar en nosotros desde el momento en que ingresa a nuestra oficina. Le informaremos exactamente lo que podemos y no podemos hacer por su caso. Queremos establecer expectativas claras desde el primer día.

La diferencia entre los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central

Cuando contrata nuestra firma, obtiene acceso a décadas de experiencia profesional. Estamos listos para ayudarlo como su aliado y asesor en cada etapa de su viaje de inmigración. Nuestro equipo puede ayudarlo a obtener estatus legal a través de varios procesos de solicitud, explorar visas de doble intención, ayudarlo a prepararse para la naturalización y defender sus derechos si enfrenta un proceso de deportación. Con un amplio conocimiento de todos los aspectos del sistema de inmigración de los Estados Unidos, podemos guiarlo en la identificación de los caminos más factibles para residir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos de América.

A diferencia de algunos abogados de inmigración, nuestra firma está verdaderamente dedicada a ayudarlo a alcanzar el Sueño Americano. Junto con nuestros socios, ayudamos a hombres y mujeres "crédito invisible" a obtener el financiamiento que necesitan para contratar abogados de inmigración en Tarpon Springs, FL. Estos préstamos cubren tanto los honorarios de presentación del gobierno como los honorarios de su abogado de inmigración. Al hacerlo, ayudamos a los clientes a establecer perfiles crediticios que les ayuden a acceder al crédito en el futuro mientras toman los pasos necesarios en el camino hacia la ciudadanía plena.

Al final del día, nuestro objetivo es utilizar todas las vías legales disponibles para ayudarlo a construir una vida mejor para su familia. Cuando trabaja con nuestros abogados de inmigración, puede estar tranquilo sabiendo que siempre seremos claros sobre lo que implica cada estrategia de inmigración, así como los riesgos, costos y cronogramas involucrados. Nuestros abogados también serán francos y honestos sobre lo que podemos y no podemos hacer. Creemos que la transparencia es fundamental para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones informadas, razón por la cual siempre lo mantenemos al tanto de las actualizaciones relacionadas con su caso.

Nuestros abogados de inmigración se enfocan en brindar representación legal experta para una variedad de necesidades de inmigración, incluyendo:

  • Ley de inmigración
  • Inmigración basada en la familia
  • Inmigración basada en el empleo
  • Ciudadanía y Naturalización
  • Defensa contra la deportación
  • Cancelación de expulsión
  • 601a Renuncia Provisional
  • Visas
  • Visas U
  • Extensiones de Visa
 Immigration Benefits Tarpon Springs, FL

Nuestros abogados de inmigración entienden Lo que está en juego

Ya sea que necesite reunir a su familia en los EE. UU., establecer un empleo permanente o protegerse contra la deportación, el resultado de su caso de inmigración afectará en gran medida su futuro. Nuestros abogados de inmigración reconocen la importancia de su situación y harán todo lo posible para lograr un resultado positivo en su caso. En lugar de alardear y alardear, en los Abogados de Inmigración de Florida Central, dejamos que nuestro historial hable por sí mismo. Le animamos a revisar los testimonios de nuestra firma para obtener más información sobre cómo hemos tenido un impacto directo y positivo en la vida de nuestros clientes. Nuestros clientes confían en nosotros para ayudarles a alcanzar sus sueños americanos. También estamos listos para ayudarlo a convertir sus sueños en realidad.

 American Dream Tarpon Springs, FL

¿Realmente necesita abogados de inmigración en Tarpon Springs, FL?

Si necesita beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses, siempre es mejor trabajar con un abogado de inmigración calificado. Tratar de superar los obstáculos de la ley de inmigración por su cuenta es como pilotar un avión sin ninguna experiencia. Puede parecer más fácil intervenir sin ninguna orientación, pero hacerlo puede ser más perjudicial para sus objetivos que contratar a un gran abogado. Si se pregunta si necesita o no un abogado de inmigración, tenga en cuenta estos beneficios comunes.

 Florida Immigration Tarpon Springs, FL

Tratar de entender los trámites legales ya es bastante difícil, incluso cuando uno nace en los EE. UU. Para los hablantes no nativos de inglés, entender los trámites de inmigración es aún más difícil. Completar los formularios y reunir los documentos de respaldo necesarios puede resultar bastante abrumador y desconcertante. Los abogados de inmigración experimentados conocen bien los procedimientos correctos para completar estos formularios. No completar estos formularios con precisión puede provocar retrasos importantes en la aprobación de sus beneficios de inmigración y puede generar tarifas de presentación adicionales.

Hay varias formas de obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense y, si está solo, es posible que no conozca todas las opciones. Aquí es donde un abogado de inmigración puede intervenir para ayudar. Pueden presentar diferentes caminos, explicar las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno y asegurarse de que comprenda plenamente las implicaciones de su elección en su viaje hacia la ciudadanía.

Los abogados de inmigración están equipados para ayudarlo a obtener la autorización necesaria para trabajar en los EE. UU. Un abogado calificado está familiarizado con la información precisa que debe proporcionar para obtener la autorización de trabajo y garantizar el buen progreso de su solicitud. Sin un experto legal, los errores en el proceso pueden provocar retrasos importantes.

Si está buscando convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense, es probable que sea la primera vez que lo intenta. Afortunadamente, cuando obtiene asesoramiento de una firma acreditada como Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, puede dormir un poco más tranquilo sabiendo que tienen años de experiencia ayudando a personas como usted. Su abogado de inmigración debe estar familiarizado con los diversos escenarios y vías hacia el beneficio de inmigración que busca. Esto será una ventaja para usted, ya que tienen la experiencia para identificar la documentación necesaria, recomendar las opciones más adecuadas y brindarle orientación sobre qué anticipar durante todo el proceso.

Recuerde que el gobierno puede considerarlo inadmisible por diversos motivos, como problemas financieros no resueltos, actividad delictiva o proporcionar información falsa. Si te consideran inadmisible, no tiene por qué ser el final del camino. Existen métodos para impugnar esta sentencia. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a presentar un caso convincente. Aunque no hay garantía de que el tribunal de inmigración revoque la decisión, tener un abogado experimentado a su lado sin duda mejorará sus posibilidades.

¿Cómo puede encontrar las mejores abogados de inmigración en Tarpon Springs, FL?

Encontrar el bufete de abogados de inmigración adecuado puede parecer un poco como buscar una aguja en un pajar. Esto es cierto en todos los estados, pero especialmente en Florida, donde los inmigrantes representan aproximadamente el 21% de la población, según el Consejo Estadounidense de Inmigración. Entonces, ¿cómo encontrar a los mejores abogados de inmigración en su estado? A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos que hemos recopilado para ayudarle a facilitar su búsqueda.

Immigration Attorneys Tarpon Springs, FL

Mientras sus asuntos de inmigración están en progreso, es importante mantenerse informado sobre el estado de su caso, cualquier desafío que pueda surgir y qué acciones podría necesitar tomar. Por eso es crucial trabajar con abogados de inmigración que valoren la comunicación proactiva. Puede preguntarle a su abogado sobre sus habilidades de comunicación y con qué frecuencia se comunican con usted, pero tome esa respuesta con cautela. También es útil consultar reseñas y leer lo que antiguos clientes tienen que decir sobre su capacidad de respuesta. No se conforme con un abogado que no lo mantenga actualizado.

Este consejo se suma a nuestro primer punto porque implica comunicación. Si tiene preguntas sobre su caso o cualquier otra faceta de su estatus migratorio, su abogado debe estar disponible para responder esas preguntas y brindarle tranquilidad cuando sea necesario. No siempre es realista esperar que un abogado pueda responder a su llamada de inmediato, pero es razonable anticipar que su abogado le responderá dentro de unos días. Si un abogado tiene un historial de no devolver llamadas de clientes anteriores (lo que puede descubrir, por ejemplo, en las revisiones de los clientes), entonces tenga cuidado al trabajar con ese abogado y siga buscando otro.

Si un abogado alguna vez ha sido criticado públicamente o sus antiguos clientes han presentado quejas formales en su contra, el colegio de abogados del estado mantendrá registros de estos incidentes. Si está pensando en contratar a un abogado para un asunto de inmigración importante, es una buena idea ver cuál es su reputación ante el colegio de abogados estatal. De esa manera, puede verificar la experiencia del abogado de inmigración y también potencialmente tomar conocimiento de cualquier problema profesional que el abogado haya tenido en el pasado.

La ley de inmigración puede ser bastante compleja y los procedimientos asociados con tales asuntos pueden ser igualmente intrincados. Por eso es tan importante trabajar con un abogado de inmigración que tenga experiencia en el manejo de diferentes tipos de casos de inmigración o, al menos, mucha experiencia trabajando en casos como el suyo. Puede evaluar la experiencia de un abogado en casos de inmigración consultando primero su sitio web. Si esa información no está disponible, no dude en comunicarse directamente con el abogado para preguntarle sobre su experiencia en el manejo de casos similares al suyo. No olvides consultar las reseñas en línea.

Cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, debe tener confianza en su abogado de inmigración, confiar en que será honesto acerca de su caso y brindarle asesoramiento directo sobre sus opciones cuando se enfrente a obstáculos. Puede tener una idea de la integridad y veracidad de un abogado de inmigración reuniéndose con él para una consulta inicial y leyendo los testimonios de sus clientes para conocer su honestidad. Si no se siente del todo cómodo con un abogado de inmigración después de esta reunión, es mejor buscar en otra parte.

Incluso si habla inglés con fluidez, es importante contar con un abogado de inmigración que pueda brindar servicios en varios idiomas. Esto es especialmente crucial si sus asuntos de inmigración involucran a familiares, colegas u otras personas que tienen un dominio limitado del inglés. Si el idioma puede ser un problema para usted o para alguien más involucrado en su caso de inmigración, asegúrese de que el abogado que le interesa ofrezca servicios en su idioma nativo o preferido. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer servicios legales tanto en inglés como en español.

Si es nuevo en este país, intentar comprender las leyes de inmigración es abrumador. Pero con la orientación y preparación adecuadas, los objetivos de inmigración de su familia están a su alcance. En Central Florida Immigration Attorneys, ayudamos a los clientes a lograr el éxito y la tranquilidad a través de años de experiencia combinada, honestidad, comunicación, orientación profesional y estrategias innovadoras de leyes de inmigración. Comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos ayudarlo cuando más lo necesita.

Top 3 Abogado de inmigración Banderas rojas

¿Se pregunta si hay alguna señal de alerta que deba tener en cuenta al elegir abogados de inmigración en Tarpon Springs, FL? La respuesta simple a esa pregunta es sí. Si tiene un mal presentimiento o nota alguna de las siguientes señales de alerta, tenga cuidado.


Abogados que esperan en las oficinas de USCIS

Los abogados que intentan acercarse a usted en una oficina que ofrece Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos a menudo brindan servicios legales mediocres. Los grandes abogados de inmigración no tendrán tiempo para pasar el rato en una oficina de USCIS todo el día porque están ocupados atendiendo a sus clientes.


"Expertas" que no son realmente abogadas

Tenga cuidado con las personas que se presentan como "consultores de visas", "notarios" o "preparadores de peticiones", ya que no son lo mismo que abogados autorizados. A menudo, simplemente ayudan a completar formularios, pero carecen de una comprensión genuina de sus circunstancias legales. Existe la posibilidad de que completen los formularios incorrectamente o incluso se escapen con su dinero sin brindarle ningún servicio.


Orientación y asesoramiento ilegales

Tenga mucho cuidado con los abogados que le brindan consejos poco éticos o incluso ilegales. Por ejemplo, tenga cuidado con los abogados que le aconsejan mentir en un formulario de inmigración, engañar a un funcionario del USCIS o intentar sobornar a una autoridad de inmigración. Si lo atrapan, podría resultar en una exclusión permanente de los beneficios de inmigración estadounidenses.

Nuevo Ciudadano de los Estados Unidos!
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Cambiando vidas una inmigración Caso a la vez

En los abogados de inmigración de Florida Central, tenemos años de experiencia combinada representando exitosamente a clientes en una variedad de casos de inmigración. Estamos dedicados a brindar servicios legales confiables y transparentes, ya sea que necesite ayuda con una solicitud de inmigración básica o un litigio por un asunto federal extremadamente complicado.

A diferencia de algunas firmas de abogados de inmigración, combinamos tecnología de punta con un servicio tradicional personalizado para brindar a nuestros clientes un asesoramiento sólido y eficaz. Puede contar con que su caso avance lo más rápido posible mientras tiene la confianza de que nuestros abogados de inmigración en el estado y la ciudad responderán a sus preguntas de manera honesta, clara y eficiente. Para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios de defensa de inmigración, ciudadanía y deportación, programe su consulta inicial hoy.

Latest News in Tarpon Springs, FL

In a Corner of Florida, a Gathering Storm Stirs Familiar Feelings

Follow our live updates on the storm.As Debby churned through the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday as a tropical storm, Lucia Trapani was securing patio furniture and offering refunds to people who had booked stays at the motel she manages on an island off Florida’s northwestern coast.Ms. Trapani had been through this before. Less than a year ago, as Hurricane Idalia approached, she shut of...

Follow our live updates on the storm.

As Debby churned through the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday as a tropical storm, Lucia Trapani was securing patio furniture and offering refunds to people who had booked stays at the motel she manages on an island off Florida’s northwestern coast.

Ms. Trapani had been through this before. Less than a year ago, as Hurricane Idalia approached, she shut off the water and electricity at the Sunset Isle RV Resort, where she worked at the time, and moved campers off the property. The Category 3 storm did so much damage to the resort that it still has not reopened.

Ms. Trapani and Brooke Matthews — another manager of the motel, Park Place in Cedar Key — described Idalia with one word, in unison: “traumatizing.”

Almost a year after Idalia became the strongest storm to hit the sparsely populated Big Bend region, known for manatees and marshlands, residents are bracing for Debby, which strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane late Sunday before its expected landfall Monday morning. Storm surge of up to 10 feet was expected in some areas, andmandatory evacuation orders have been issued for parts of Levy County, including Cedar Key, as well as Franklin and Citrus Counties.

By midday Sunday, Debby was still a tropical storm, with winds of 65 miles per hour. But it strengthened rapidly over the gulf ahead of its landfall, with winds of at least 74 m.p.h.

At a news conference Sunday afternoon, Gov. Ron DeSantis said that Debby was following a path like Idalia’s last year, but with a key difference: lower winds and a lot more rain are expected. Other states in the Southeast could also see heavy rain in the coming days, including Georgia and the Carolinas.

”We’re going to see much more inundation,” Mr. DeSantis said.

Ahead of the storm, emergency officials in several counties were making preparations to warn residents in advance and to ensure that the most vulnerable ones would be protected.

Officials in Franklin County were making calls over the weekend to those residents, including people with special health needs who may require moving to a shelter, according to Jennifer Daniels, director of emergency management for the county.

“We do preach on a regular basis: A shelter is a place of last resort, because when you go to a shelter you are not going to be comfortable,” she said.

In Citrus County, Sheriff Mike Prendergast said there were about 20,000 residents in mandatory evacuation zones, but he expected many of them to stay put. While those who live in homes designed to withstand storm surge may be better prepared, Mr. Prendergast was concerned about those in more standard houses.

“Those will be the ones that we will be getting calls from later tonight to do high-water rescue,” he said.

Amy Winter, 56, and her husband were hit hard last year by Idalia, which damaged their home in Perry. After losing power for over week, the couple — who moved there just two years ago and are now trying to move again — made sure their generator was fueled and drained their pool ahead of Debby’s arrival.

“I’m a little frazzled,” Ms. Winter said. “We haven’t even finished fixing everything yet, and here we go again.”

Others along the storm’s path were making different kinds of preparations on Sunday.

In downtown Perry, a town of about 7,000 people, volunteers at the Taylor County Historical Society were working to protect old artifacts, newspapers, photographs and documents to preserve the region’s history.

J.T. Davis, vice president of the historical society, gathered photographs and put them in a concrete vault, where he also planned to store a mammoth hip bone and an early 20th-century medicine bag. Mr. Davis, 39, said he and other volunteers will cover everything with plastic before the storm hits. But he’s still concerned about flooding and rain leaking into the building, which was built in 1915 and still has water damage from Idalia.

“It’s terrifying every time we have a storm,” he said. “A lot of this is irreplaceable.”

But in other parts along Debby’s path, there were little signs of panic.

On Sunday morning, traffic was steady along South Jefferson Street in Perry, where several grocery stores and fast-food restaurants were operating business as usual. Some shoppers at a Walmart Supercenter said that after riding out Idalia, they were not too worried about Debby.

“I’m a little anxious about the rain that we’re going to be getting, but other than that I’m OK,” said Dorrie Sapone, a 54-year-old life insurance agent. Ms. Sapone and her partner filled up two five-gallon containers of water and bought about 12 cans of pasta.

Dawn Kosterlitz, a 54-year-old property manager living in Tarpon Springs, northwest of Tampa, appeared to be even less bothered by the storm.

Outside her waterfront home that juts out into the Gulf of Mexico, pounding rain was obscuring nearby islands and covering her deck. But instead of scrambling to make preparations, Ms. Kosterlitz set up a time-lapse camera on her deck and went out with her grandsons, hoping to add to her collection of storm photos and teach the boys a “healthy respect” for storms.

“I literally feel high as a kite when storms are approaching,” she said.

Joy McDonald, 28, and Jorge Velarde, 32, also live in a waterfront home in Tarpon Springs. The couple, both accountants, moved from the suburbs of Atlanta last year, and they were about to ride out their first hurricane as Florida residents.

They said they had no regrets about moving to hurricane territory.

“I will take the risks,” Ms. McDonald said. “If one day we lose everything, it will be worth it to me. We love to be on the water.”

On Cedar Key, the sky and the sea had turned the same shade of iridescent gray on Sunday. Palm trees swayed over the empty parking lot at the Park Place motel. Ms. Trapani and Ms. Matthews checked on the rooms that were reserved for a local news crew, which planned to ride out the storm, and left the members good luck notes.

Then they left the island.

In photos: Tropical Storm Debby moves across the Southeast coast after making landfall in Florida as a hurricane

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Extreme WeatherWeather Climate Capital Weather Gang Environment Climate Lab Hurricanes

Debby made landfall in Steinhatchee, in Florida’s Big Bend, on Monday as a Category 1 hurricane.

0 min

Updated August 6, 2024 at 1:24 p.m. EDT|Published August 5, 2024 at 10:20 a.m. EDT

Debby is now a tropical storm that could produce historic rainfall across southeast Georgia, part of South Carolina and southeast North Carolina, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Heavy rain brought on by Tropical Storm Debby triggered severe flooding in parts of southwest Florida as the storm moved through the region.

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Tarpon Springs residents will get opportunity to weigh in on potential U.S. 19 improvements

TARPON SPRINGS — Residents will get a chance to weigh in on whether they favor the state installing a viaduct to carry traffic along U.S. 19 over Tarpon Avenue in a nonbinding referendum next March.At a recent meeting, representatives from Forward Pinellas and the Florida Department of Transportation provided the latest information on the final phase of its project to construct a series of viaducts along U.S. 19, with local exit ramps and frontage roads, designed to improve thru traffic along the federal highway in north county....

TARPON SPRINGS — Residents will get a chance to weigh in on whether they favor the state installing a viaduct to carry traffic along U.S. 19 over Tarpon Avenue in a nonbinding referendum next March.

At a recent meeting, representatives from Forward Pinellas and the Florida Department of Transportation provided the latest information on the final phase of its project to construct a series of viaducts along U.S. 19, with local exit ramps and frontage roads, designed to improve thru traffic along the federal highway in north county.

A viaduct is a long, elevated roadway that can be located above other civil works such as streets or natural features.

“It was a teaser, just supposed to be preliminary to further discussions, with us and also the residents,” Mayor Costa Vatikiotis said said of a recent meeting with the planners.

“Our responsibility is problem solving. The viaduct concept would certainly solve a lot of the problems on U.S. 19. In effect (U.S. 19 in north county) would go from six lanes that we have right now to 11 lanes. But there’s the downside too, with regard to access locally. That seemed to be the biggest issue,” the mayor said.

City officials for years have told state and county planners they didn’t support building an overpass at the intersection for fear it would impact commerce in the city’s two historic districts.

The mayor reminded commissioners a non-binding referendum question would determine whether residents support an elevated viaduct type concept for U.S. 19. “A proposed referendum would provide policy direction to the City Commission, Forward Pinellas, and FDOT concerning our residents’ preference,” he said.

“We have to get to a point where we can work with them,” the mayor told commissioners on May 28. “As a city, we need to be careful about instinctively blowing off FDOT’s overtures for improving U.S. 19 based on reactions from past efforts in this regard.”

The mayor explained between now and the election in March, the city’s Planning Department and Forward Pinellas would provide educational information concerning the viaduct concept at public forums, show the differences between it and a lower-walled overpass, provide information concerning potential economic impacts and what can be done to eliminate those impacts, and provide pre- and post-improvement crash statistics.

All information would be presented and made available publicly to educate the residents, property owners, and businesses, the mayor said.

Commissioner Michael Eisner said road safety is an issue. “I’m not saying it’s not going to hinder business, but do we sacrifice the amount of deaths that are on that road to not go and improve the roadway,” he said. “The way we have it right now, it’s a death trap.”

City Manager Mark LeCouris added, “it’s something that needs to be considered. I know, I’ve been around, I was around when the overpass was going to destroy Tarpon. But it really needs to be looked at, the figures and the deaths need to be looked at. Safety trumps all. So, if there is a way to do it, to increase the safety with elevated roads, or however it’s done, it’s something that needs to be thought of.”

Commissioners voted unanimously to hold a non-binding referendum to judge residents’ sentiments about a U.S. 19 overpass.

The city, Forward Pinellas and FDOT will conduct an educational campaign and hold community forums to address concerns of residents and business owners. Information will also be available on the city’s website and Facebook page.

BROOKSVILLE – The Hernando County Tax Collector offices will open at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 9.

• Main Office, Hernando County Government Center (Brooksville Courthouse), 20 N. Main St., Room 112, Brooksville

• Spring Hill Branch Office, Westside Government Center, 7489 Forest Oaks Blvd. Spring Hill

For online payments, visit hernando.county-taxes.com.

Residents can place their motor vehicle renewal or property tax payment in the drop box located next to the double-door hallway entrance at the Spring Hill Branch Office or at the bottom of the courthouse parking lot at the Main Office.

A Motor Vehicle Kiosk is inside the Seven Hills Publix off Mariner Boulevard and County Line Road (160 Mariner Blvd.) for the renewal of most DMV registrations. The registration and decal will print in minutes. For additional information, visit www.hernandotax.us.

HERNANDO COUNTY – As we’re picking up the pieces from the passage of Hurricane Debby, the government is gearing up to help those who need assistance in recovering from the storm.

Building Division offers emergency permitting

Emergency building permit forms are available on the Hernando County Government website by visiting www.HernandoCounty.us. Applications must be complete and notarized, if applicable. Submit completed applications for emergency permitting due to Hurricane Debby using the following email: emergencypermits@hernandocounty.us

On the website you will find the following information:

• Emergency Building Permit Application

• Electric Meter Request (Owner)

• Electric Meter Request (Contractor)

• Hernando County Storm Damage Guidelines

Damage reports collected

BROOKSVILLE -- Hernando County Emergency Management continues to monitor and inform about Hurricane Debby and the Hernando County Emergency Operations Center is actively collecting reports of damage to any properties within Hernando County. This assessment will help Hernando County in the documentation process and provide federal resources for our residents.

Residents can report storm damage at https://hernandocounty.jotform.com/242174517553962

Debris removal scheduled

Debris removal pickup for areas affected by Hurricane Debby begins Wednesday, Aug. 7, and will continue until debris removal has been completed. Areas included in debris removal pickup are between CR 550 (Cortez Boulevard) and Osowaw Boulevard., west of U.S. 19 (including private roads), and areas in the vicinity of B Street through Bethune Street in unincorporated Hernando County. Only storm-generated debris will be collected.

A debris hotline has been established. For residents with questions regarding the debris removal pickup, call 833-307-5580.

Tips for debris removal:

• Any appliances should be emptied before being placed at the curb for pick-up. Food waste can be disposed of with your regular household garbage.

• You may see multiple trucks on your street on the same day or trucks on different days, as each truck will be picking up a specific type of debris.

• Yard waste should be prepared separately and collected as Republic Services will pick up in accordance with their procedures, as Tropical Storm Debby did not generate large amounts of yard waste.

Residents may dispose of storm debris (residential, construction and demolition debris) on their own at the following locations:

West Hernando Convenience Center

2525 Osowaw Blvd., Spring Hill

ONLY ACCEPTED Wednesday, Aug. 7, through Saturday, Aug. 10

Northwest Solid Waste Facility (Main Landfill)

14450 Landfill Road., Brooksville

Always accepted during normal operating hours

Call Hernando County Solid Waste and Recycling at (352) 754-4112 for more information

Road work change

Contractors working for Hernando County will begin the milling and resurfacing work on Philatelic Drive from Deltona to Harrow Road, and Andy Pella Drive from Forest Oaks Blvd. to Philatelic Drive beginning Aug 12. This work is expected to take two weeks to complete, weather permitting. Roads will remain open; however, delays are expected.

Hurricane Debby caused the delay in the start of work

Craft vendors, artists flock to Tarpon Springs for American Craft Endeavors festival

TARPON SPRINGS — American Craft Endeavors will host the Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks Art & Craft Festival, taking place Saturday and Sunday, July 13-14, on Dodecanese Boulevard in Tarpon Springs.Hours will be Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. For information, visit www.artfestival.com.The festival will feature handmade fine craftwork and original art, created in the United States. ...

TARPON SPRINGS — American Craft Endeavors will host the Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks Art & Craft Festival, taking place Saturday and Sunday, July 13-14, on Dodecanese Boulevard in Tarpon Springs.

Hours will be Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. For information, visit www.artfestival.com.

The festival will feature handmade fine craftwork and original art, created in the United States. More than 40 exhibitors will be on hand presenting their distinctive wares.

The outdoor art and craft festival offers a chance for residents to peruse and shop for practical and whimsical works of quality, handmade art while enjoying the beautiful Florida weather. Pets on leashes are welcome to join their human companions as they stroll through the festival, which includes a full green market of live plants, hand-made soaps, delicious edibles and more. Adding to the pleasure of the outing, patrons can meet the artisans behind the works and discover the techniques and inspirations behind each creation. Presented by the Tarpon Springs Merchants Association, the annual festival helps support both the arts and the local economy.

Among the vendors scheduled to take part in this year’s festival is Tampa mixed-media artist Sharri Johnson.

Johnson’s career started in 2021 when a delivery delay for a work of art she had purchased led to her decision to create her own poured paint pieces. Originally, she created only for family and friends who continued to encourage her to sell her work to others. A discovery of round canvas inspired her to envision painted clocks and soon she had found her niche. Each clock is an original work of art that starts with a decal which is used to pair with the paint colors. Following a 24-hour drying process, the epoxy resin is applied in two parts before the 12-hour curing. Finally, Johnson drills a hole in the canvas and installs the clock mechanism for a fully functional work of original art.

Dunedin artist Mark Eliason has been pursuing the expression of creativity through his art since 2017.

“In the past few years, I have found myself experimenting with various styles and mediums,” Eliason said in his artist’s statement. “My 2017 self-artistic renaissance started out with hyper-realistic graphite on paper drawings, oil and acrylic paintings, and eventually progressed into mixed media and collage. My most recent work has been concentrated mainly on a series of pop surrealistic collages.”

According to the artist, these collages take anywhere from 120 to 175 hours to complete.

“They are painstakingly made from thousands of small, recycled magazine images, that are glued to a plywood substrate,” he said. “The magazine scraps are basically (pigments) that I use to tell my visual story.”

Visiting craft artisans Kim and Michael Yerkey love to ask, “Is it art, or is it a 42” game table?” when patrons visit their booth. Their answer is “Both!”

An avid fan of mahjong, Kim realized the tables never had enough room. Both she and her husband loved doing DIY projects around the house and quickly built a table to her exact specifications. The only problem left was in the appearance. Kim’s artistic eye had long been skilled at turning old appliances, fixtures, bare walls and furniture into functional masterpieces.

More than adept with her wood burning tool, Kim burned an ornate dragon in the center, then finished with a flourished border before glossing her custom table. Every player wanted their own and this led to the Yerkeys’ new business as custom game-table creators.

“We use a 42" X 42" piece of birch, hand burn the design, stain and finish with polyurethane to create beautiful hanging art that doubles as a spacious, easily managed game table weighing only 16 pounds,” Kim explains. “We offer our own, hand-crafted, easy-to-install hanging French cleat hardware as well as our hand-made, innovative, removable folding leg system. We hear the same words at every show: We've never seen anything like this!”

Victoria Behm creates original home décor using resin poured on wood with a thick laquear finish. Under her Resin Reflections brand, she designs her own line of host/hostess items such as charcuterie boards, cocktail glasses, trays, cutting boards, trivets and more. She has spent years as an artist working with watercolors and pencils, and enjoys creating new designs with her functional art.

Winter Park resident Scott Burford has been cultivating plumeria for over 30 years.

According to American Craft Endeavors, he and his family have groves in Hawaii with over 32,000 followers on his site. Out of the 18 different varieties of plumeria, he offers the most fragrant from his groves in the green market. A chance friendship with Hawaii’s largest lei grower led to the cultivation of his family business.

Originally from Columbus, Georgia, Burford moved to Winter Park in the early ’80s. There, he met his future wife, Janette. After the couple got married, they launched Just Plumerias. They stayed busy touring craft festivals and helping their clients with expert advice on growing and maintaining beautiful and fragrant tropical trees.

Burford is one of a dozen exhibitors within the green market of the Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks Art & Craft Festival.

About American Craft Endeavors

American Craft Endeavors produces juried craft shows in many of Florida’s vibrant downtown areas and popular tourist destinations including the Downtown Dunedin Art and Craft Festivals, the Siesta Key Craft Festival in Sarasota, and the Downtown Venice Art Festival and Craft shows in Venice. All crafters are hand-selected from hundreds of applicants in order to ensure a superior event featuring diverse art media and the highest quality of original handmade crafts.

For additional information, visit www.artfestival.com or call 561-746-6615.

TAMPA — Mexicana break-out star Ivan Cornejo will perform on Friday, Aug. 16, 8 p.m., at the Yuengling Center, 12499 USF Bull Run Drive, Tampa.

Tickets start at $38.24. Visit www.ticketmaster.com.

Cornejo is on the road for his “Mirada Tour” in support of his new album, “Mirada,” released in July.

"My new album represents an exciting evolution and growth of my musical journey," Cornejo said. "Each track has a blend of my signature style but with a fresh sound that pushes the boundaries of my art."

Cornejo recently co-headlined the Sueos Festival in Chicago. He also performed at Milwaukee Summerfest and Quebec City's Festival d'ete.

Earlier this year, Cornejo performed a record-breaking show in front of 72,000 people at a sold-out Rodeo Houston stadium show. The experience was daunting for the introspective then 19-year-old artist who only a couple of years ago was busy on TikTok, posting his confessional songs about having his heart broken in middle school. But the power of his own music — and a devoted fan base — carried him along during the biggest show of his career so far.

"That was the most shaky I've ever been during a show," Cornejo said. "It was a great feeling, but I could also hear my heart pounding."

Cornejo’s dreamy music — a combination of sad sierreo roots and hazy, alternative-rock vibes — resonates with young listeners who identify with his bicultural sensibility, quiet demeanor and the need to let the songs speak for themselves. With over 1.6 billion combined streams, he is currently a leading musica mexicana artist in the United States, and Top 10 in the overall Latin market.


Aug. 9-Sept. 8

freeFall Theatre, St. Petersburg.


“Title of Show”

Aug. 9-18

Central Park Performing Arts Center, Largo.


Laura Reed & Kristopher James

Friday, Aug. 9, 8 p.m.

The Palladium, St. Petersburg.


Bolts Brew Fest

Friday, Aug. 9, 8 p.m.

Amalie Arena, Tampa.


Drew Afualo Loud Book Tour

Saturday, Aug. 10, 8 p.m.

Capitol Theatre, Clearwater.


Slash S.E.R.P.E.N.T. Festival

Saturday, Aug. 10, 6:30 p.m.

The BayCare Sound, Clearwater.



Saturday, Aug. 10, 8 p.m.

Dunedin Brewery, Dunedin.


Freestyle Explosion

Saturday, Aug. 10, 7:30 p.m.

Amalie Arena, Tampa.


Joe Bartnick

Saturday, Aug. 10, 6 p.m.

Side Splitters, Tampa.


BK Jackson’s Party in the Bay Concert

Saturday, Aug. 10, 8 p.m.

The Straz Center, Tampa.


Classic Albums Live: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Sunday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m.

The BayCare Sound, Clearwater.


Old Gods of Appalachia

Sunday, Aug. 11, 8 p.m.

Capitol Theatre, Clearwater.


Weekend Nachos

Sunday, Aug. 11, 6 p.m.

The Orpheum, Tampa.


Leah Rudick

Sunday, Aug. 11, 5 p.m.

Side Splitters, Tampa.



Sunday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m.

Amalie Arena, Tampa.



Through Aug. 11

Carrollwood Players Theatre, Tampa.

visit carrollwoodplayers.org

Tarpon Springs wants to extend protection time for manatees

ENVIRONMENTTARPON SPRINGS, Fla. — Tarpon Springs city leaders want to extend the time for the special exclusion zone in Spring Bayou by more than 2 months because manatees have been staying in the city longer.What You Need To Know “They are here longer and longer every year,” said Mayor Costa Vatikiotis, 75. “We want to extend our time where we prohibit boats coming into the areas that they frequent.”Currently, the special exclusion zone in Spring Bayou prohibits mot...


TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. — Tarpon Springs city leaders want to extend the time for the special exclusion zone in Spring Bayou by more than 2 months because manatees have been staying in the city longer.

What You Need To Know

“They are here longer and longer every year,” said Mayor Costa Vatikiotis, 75. “We want to extend our time where we prohibit boats coming into the areas that they frequent.”

Currently, the special exclusion zone in Spring Bayou prohibits motorized or self-propelled vessels from Nov. 15 to March 31. Mayor Costa Vatikiotis said he wants it updated to Nov. 1 through June 1.

“We’re trying to make it as friendly as we can for the manatees,” he said. “I would say that we have probably between a half dozen to a dozen manatee at any one time.”

Vatikiotis said he recently got a letter from a local environmentalist encouraging the city to further protect manatees which have been a large tourist draw. The mayor noted Spring Bayou is listed as one of the best springs in Florida to see manatees.

“This is a special resident for us,” he said. “We’ve had manatees that have given birth in the bayou and you see a lot of thrashing going on.”

Vatikiotis grew up one block away from Spring Bayou and said when he was a child there were no manatees.

Watercraft-related collisions with manatees have been the leading cause of unnatural deaths, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Researchers found one out of every four adult carcasses bore evidence of 10 or more watercraft strikes, according to the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. It appears exceedingly rare for an adult manatee not to be struck multiple times in its life with only 4% devoid of scars.

At the June 4 commission meeting, residents spoke out publicly in favor of protecting manatees. Some wanted to go even further, suggesting the use of drones to monitor waterways and banning snag hook fishing when manatees are present.

Commissioner Michael Eisner proposed putting up signs requiring boats entering Spring Bayou to have a propeller cover which he said could protect manatees all year. Vatikiotis said he wants to provide manatees with a peaceful habitat.

“The danger of the propeller to the manatees is one thing,” he said. “The noise and the fuss and the agitation of the water and not finding a peaceful corner to sit in the bayou would be another thing if boats were allowed into the bayou.”

The commissioners voted unanimously to authorize the city manager to work with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to try to secure the extended period of protection for the manatees.

Due to property rights, waterfront homeowners with boats would be excluded from the new rules, according to the mayor. The city has also applied for a grant that would pay for manatee educational signs.


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